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Checklist for operative vaginal birth[1,2]

Checklist for operative vaginal birth[1,2]
Operative vaginal birth procedural form (check all that apply)
Are any contraindications present?

  Yes:    Fetal osteogenesis imperfecta    Thrombocytopenia    Hemophilia    Other ____________________

Indication for operative vaginal birth:
  Suspicion of potential or immediate fetal compromise
  Prolonged second stage
  Maternal exhaustion
  Shortening of the second stage of labor for maternal benefit
  Breech after-coming fetal head



Gestational age (weeks and days): ____________________

Fetal heart rate pattern:
  Category 1
  Category 2

  Category 3


Patient consent for operative vaginal birth was:    Verbal    Written

Patient has agreed to undergo operative vaginal birth after being informed of:
  Alternatives (continued pushing, cesarean delivery)
  Fetal risks:
For vacuum-assisted birth: Laceration; cephalohematoma; subgaleal, intracranial hemorrhage or retinal hemorrhage; brachial plexus injury
For forceps-assisted birth: Facial lacerations, facial nerve palsy, skull fracture, intracranial hemorrhage, brachial plexus injury
  Maternal risks: Perineal lacerations, 3rd and 4th degree lacerations, vaginal sulcal tears or lacerations, need for episiotomy or emergency cesarean birth

  Benefits: Avoid cesarean birth, expedite birth, long-term fetal outcomes are the same as for 2nd stage cesarean birth

Preprocedure assessment and procedures:
  Cervix is fully dilated and retracted
  Membranes are ruptured
  Fetal head is engaged (fetal skull is at or below 0 station)
Position of the fetal head:
Circle one: OA, LOA, ROA, LOT, ROT, LOP, ROP, OP, after-coming head is flexed on breech presentation
Asynclitism:    Anterior    Posterior    None
Caput:    None    Minimal    Significant
Molding:    None    Present
Ultrasound confirmation of position performed:    Yes    No
Estimated fetal weight: ____________________ grams or ____________________ pounds
  Pelvis is thought to be adequate for vaginal birth
  Adequate anesthesia present (check one:    Epidural    Pudendal    Spinal    Vacuum-assisted with no anesthesia    Other ____________________)

  Maternal bladder has been emptied

Location:    Labor room    Operating room
Station at time of application:    +5    +4    +3    +2    +1    0
(Outlet forceps/vacuum = fetal-presenting part at perineum; low forceps/vacuum = fetal-presenting part +2 or lower but not at perineum; midforceps/vacuum = head engaged with fetal-presenting part between 0 and +2)
Forceps procedure:
Type:    Simpson-Luikart    Tucker-McLane    Simpson    Kielland    Piper    Baby Elliot    Baby Simpson    Other ____________________
Number of pulls:    1    2    3    Other ____________________
Rotation of head:    None    0 to 45 degrees    45 to 90 degrees    >90 degrees
Traction:    Easy    Moderate    Strong
Maternal effort:    None    Minimal    Moderate    Strong
Total time instrument applied to fetal head (minutes and seconds): ____________________
Successful extraction?    Yes    No (explain: ____________________)
Vacuum procedure:
  Gestational age is ≥34 + 0 weeks
Type:    MityOne MitySoft (bell)    MityOne M-Style (mushroom)    Kiwi    Other ____________________
Maximum pressure: ____________________
Number of pulls:    0    1    2    3    Other ____________________
Number of pop-offs: ____________________
Rotation of head:    None    0 to 45 degrees    45 to 90 degrees    >90 degrees
Traction:    Easy    Moderate    Strong
Maternal effort:    None    Minimal    Moderate    Strong
Total time instrument applied to fetal head (minutes): ____________________

Successful extraction?    Yes    No (explain: ____________________)

Newborn status:
Sex:    Male    Female
Birth weight: ____________________ grams or ____________________ pounds
Shoulder dystocia:    No    Not applicable    Yes (minutes: ____________________; maneuvers used to deliver: ____________________)
Pediatric service present:    Yes    No
Apgar: 1 minute: ____________________; 5 minutes: ____________________ (If <7 at 5 minutes, document additional Apgar scores at 10 minutes or more: ____________________)
Arterial and venous cord blood gases, if obtained (should be obtained if 5-minute Apgar <5): ____________________

Newborn examination:    Normal    Abnormal (describe abnormalities, including injuries [eg, scalp laceration, scalp hematoma]: ____________________________________________________________)

Maternal status:
Episiotomy:    No    Yes:    Mediolateral    Midline
Lacerations:    No    Yes:    1st    2nd    3rd    4th    Periurethral    Vaginal
Antibiotic given if 3rd or 4th degree:    No    Yes (describe: ____________________________________________________________)
Estimated blood loss: ____________________ mL

Postpartum hemorrhage?    No    Yes (describe: ____________________________________________________________)


Complications and other issues: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Clinician completing form: ____________________________________________________________


Date: ____________________________________________________________

OA: occiput anterior; LOA: left occiput anterior; ROA: right occiput anterior; LOT: left occiput transverse; ROT: right occiput transverse; LOP: left occiput posterior; ROP: right occiput posterior; OP: occiput posterior.
  1. CRICO Clinical Guidelines for Obstetrical Services: OB Guidelines Appendix B: Sample Documentation of Operative Vaginal Delivery, 2017.
  2. Patient Safety and Quality Committee, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Staat B, Combs CA. SMFM Special Statement: Operative vaginal delivery: checklists for performance and documentation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2020; 222:B15.
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