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Core components of cardio-oncology rehabilitation (CORE)

Core components of cardio-oncology rehabilitation (CORE)
Patient assessment Review cancer therapies and potential side effects
Assess health conditions impairing exercise
Assess for lymphedema, ostomy, and infection risks
Review for metastatic disease, presence/stage, and readiness for exercise versus cancer rehabilitation if bony metastasis
Review complete blood cell count
Screen for depression, fatigue, and quality of life
Perform cardiopulmonary assessment
Nutrition counseling Cancer-specific nutritional recommendations (eg, NCCN)
Involve dietitians who specialize in cancer
Weight management Assess weight management issues (weight loss, loss of lean muscle mass, and gain in fat mass) that are cancer specific
Tailor aerobic and resistance training accordingly
BP management Review chemotherapeutic agents and molecularly targeted drugs causing hypertension, such as VEGF signaling pathway inhibitors
Appropriately screen and reassess for those on active therapy
Lipid/lipoprotein management Primary CVD prevention setting: ACC and AHA cholesterol guidelines for lipid management, which recommend statin therapy for CVD risk score ≥7.5% over a 10-year period
Recognize settings when CVD risk score is not valid
Diabetes mellitus management Recognize chemotherapeutic agents that worsen glucose control
Tobacco cessation Provide referral to smoking cessation program within cancer center
Psychosocial management Develop referral network of social work and mental health professionals who support the care and treatment of patients with cancer
PA counseling Emphasize the health risks of prolonged periods of sitting; goal is an increase in habitual lifestyle PA and a decrease in sedentary time
Exercise training Aerobic and resistance exercise training prescription based on ACSM guidelines specific to patients with cancer
Supervised exercise training in the CORE setting
Incorporation of behavioral change strategies demonstrated effective for cancer patients and survivors
CR: cardiac rehabilitation; NCCN: National Comprehensive Cancer Network; BP: blood pressure; VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor; CVD: cardiovascular disease; ACC: American College of Cardiology; AHA: American Heart Association; PA: physical activity; ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine.
Reprinted with permission. Circulation 2019; 139(21):e997-e1012. Copyright © 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.
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