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Sample approach to risk stratification and delivery preparation for PPH

Sample approach to risk stratification and delivery preparation for PPH
Prenatal assessment and planning
  • Identify and prepare for patients at risk: previa/accreta, bleeding disorder, those who refuse transfusion
  • Screen and treat for anemia (iron panel, hemoglobin electrophoresis, consider oral versus IV iron)
Low Medium High
≤4 previous SVD Hgb <8 g/dL Placenta previa
Singleton Platelets <100,000/microL Suspected placenta accreta
<2 prior CD ≥3 prior CD or previous myomectomy Abruption
No previous PPH >4 vaginal births Coagulopathy
No known bleeding disorder Chorioamnionitis  
  Magnesium sulfate use  
  Multiple gestation  
  Large uterine fibroids  
  EFW >4250 g  
  Black race  
  History of PPH  
  Severe obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2)  

Oxytocin preparation: 30 international units in 500 cc solution. 167 cc = 10 international units.

  • Type and screen on admission (if antibody positive, then will need crossmatch)
  • Postpartum order: Oxytocin 167 cc bolus, then 42 cc/hour for 4 hours


  • Type and screen on admission
  • Discuss risk of PPH with patient
  • Postpartum orders: Oxytocin 167 cc bolus, then 42 cc/hour for 8 hours

Medium "plus" (>1 medium risk factor):

  • Crossmatch 2 units
  • Discuss risk of PPH with patient
  • Postpartum orders: Oxytocin 167 cc bolus, then 42 cc/hour for 8 hours


  • Crossmatch 4 (or more) units
  • Discuss risk of PPH and transfusion with patient
  • Postpartum orders: Oxytocin 167 cc bolus, then 42 cc/hour for 24 hours
  • Observation on L&D postoperatively based on QBL or at least 4 hours (whichever is longer)
PPH: postpartum hemorrhage; IV: intravenous; SVD: small-vessel disease; Hgb: hemoglobin; CD: cesarean delivery; EFW: estimated fetal weight; BMI: body mass index; cc: cubic centimeter; L&D: labor and delivery; QBL: quantification of blood loss.
Courtesy of Christina Davidson, MD and Catherine Eppes, MD, MPH.
Graphic 126216 Version 6.0

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