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Practices for prevention and management of spinal cord stimulation device infection

Practices for prevention and management of spinal cord stimulation device infection
Preoperative practices Intraoperative practices Postoperative practices
  • Identify and treat all remote infections for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Optimize glucose control for neuromodulation implants
  • Discontinue tobacco use for neuromodulation implants
  • Decolonize MSSA and MSRA carriers through the application of mupirocin nasal ointment and chlorohexidine baths
  • Utilize preoperative antibiotics for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Utilize preoperative weight-based antibiotic dosing for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Use appropriate preoperative timing (within 1 hour prior to surgical incision excluding vancomycin) of prophylactic antimicrobial administration for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Remove hair (when required) with electric clippers immediately before the surgical procedure
  • Perform preoperative surgical scrub for a minimum of 2 to 5 minutes with an appropriate antiseptic prior to neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Keep nails short and do not wear artificial nails for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Do not wear hand or arm jewelry for neuromodulation trials or implants
  • Wear a surgical mask for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Wear a cap or hood to fully cover hair for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Use sterile gown and gloves for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Double glove
  • Utilize chlorhexidine gluconate for preoperative skin antiseptic agent
  • If an incise drape is used, then iodophor-impregnated drape for neuromodulation implants are recommended
  • Use laminar flow and HEPA filters in OR for neuromodulation implants
  • Limit procedure room traffic for neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Keep procedure room doors closed during neuromodulation trials and implants
  • Limit tissue trauma, maintain hemostasis, eradicate dead space, and avoid electrocautery at tissue surface
  • Irrigate with saline through a bulb syringe prior to closure of surgical wound
  • Employ implant strategies to limit operative time
  • Apply an occlusive dressing following neuromodulation trials and implants for 24 to 48 hours
  • Do not routinely use topical antimicrobial agents for surgical wounds that are healing by primary intention
  • Understand maximum time criterion for defining a deep surgical site infection of an implantable device (1 year postimplant)
  • Do not continue antibiotics into the postoperative period for neuromodulation trials and implants beyond 24 hours
  • Educate patient and family on proper incision care, symptoms of SSI, and importance of reporting symptoms
  • Wash hands before and after dressing changes
  • Use sterile technique for dressing changes
  • When SSI is suspected, prescribe an antibiotic that covers the likely causative organisms. Consider local resistance patterns and culture results in choosing an antibiotic.
MSSA: methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus; MRSA: methicillin-resistant S. aureus; HEPA: high-efficiency particulate air; OR: operating room; SSI: surgical site infection.
Modified from: Deer TR, Provenzano DA, Hanes M, et al. The Neurostimulation Appropriateness Consensus Committee (NACC) Recommendations for Infection Prevention and Management. Neuromodulation 2017; 20(1):31-50. Copyright © 2017 International Neuromodulation Society. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons Inc. This image has been provided by or is owned by Wiley. Further permission is needed before it can be downloaded to PowerPoint, printed, shared or emailed. Please contact Wiley's permissions department either via email: or use the RightsLink service by clicking on the 'Request Permission' link accompanying this article on Wiley Online Library (
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