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Amiodarone baseline testing and monitoring for side effects

Amiodarone baseline testing and monitoring for side effects
Area of interest for monitoring Monitoring Possible adverse effect
Baseline testing Follow-up testing
Cardiac ECG (at baseline and during loading dose)


After adding medications that interact with amiodarone or prolong the QT interval

QT prolongation; torsades de pointes
Symptomatic sinoatrial or conduction system impairment
Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators Defibrillation threshold testing (if clinically indicated) As needed for signs/symptoms Increased defibrillation threshold
Dermatologic Physical examination As needed for signs/symptoms Photosensitivity to UV light
Blue-gray skin discoloration
Endocrine TSH (with reflex testing if abnormal)

3 to 4 months after starting drug, then yearly

As needed for signs/symptoms
Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism
Hepatic AST and ALT 6 months after starting drug, then yearly AST or ALT elevation ≥2× upper limit of reference range
Ophthalmologic Eye examination Yearly Corneal microdeposits
Optic neuropathy
Pulmonary Chest radiograph, PFTs*

Yearly for surveillance

Along with PFTs (including DLCO) and chest computed tomography for signs/symptoms
Pulmonary toxicity (cough, fever, dyspnea)
Refer to UpToDate topics on pulmonary toxicity, thyroid toxicity, and clinical uses of amiodarone for additional information.
ECG: electrocardiogram; UV: ultraviolet; TSH: thyroid-stimulating hormone; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: alanine transaminase; PFTs: pulmonary function tests; DLCO: diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide.
* There are differing opinions, and no concensus, of obtaining formal PFTs with assessment of diffusion capacity (ie, DLCO) as baseline testing in all patients. Some experts obtain baseline PFTs with DLCO prior to starting amiodarone, particularly among patients with underlying lung disease, while other experts rarely or never obtain baseline PFTs.
Graphic 126072 Version 4.0

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