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Unexplained dyspnea: Interpretation of cardiopulmonary test results

Unexplained dyspnea: Interpretation of cardiopulmonary test results
Category of cause of dyspnea CPET characteristics
  • Low peak VO2 (<85% predicted), despite good effort
  • Inability to fully recruit VT (less than twice the baseline)
  • Rapid, shallow breathing, or other abnormal breathing pattern
  • Elevated VE resulting in reduced breathing reserve (<11 L)
  • Elevated VE versus VCO2 slope (>30 to 32) or nadir of VE/VCO2 curve (>32 to 34)
  • Dynamic hyperinflation with low inspiratory capacity
  • Abnormal flow-volume loops during exercise
  • Low peak VO2 (<85% predicted), despite good effort
  • Accelerated heart rate at high work loads
  • Low O2 pulse and early plateau (<80% predicted)
  • ECG changes of ischemia or arrhythmia
  • Excessive BP response, especially diastolic BP (>20 mmHg above baseline) indicative of peripheral vascular disease
  • Elevated VE versus VCO2 slope, or nadir of VE/VCO2 curve
  • Decreased OUES (slope of VO2 versus logVE)
  • Exercise oscillatory ventilation (oscillation in the VE versus time curve)
Pulmonary vascular
  • Low peak VO2 (<85% predicted), despite good effort
  • Decrease in PaO2 or SpO2 with exercise
  • Widening of A-a difference >35
  • Failure of ratio of VD to VT to decrease
  • Elevated VE versus VCO2 slope, or nadir of VE/VCO2 curve
  • Low O2 pulse and early plateau
  • Low peak VO2 (<85% predicted), despite good effort
  • Low AT (<40% predicted maximal VO2)
  • Normal cardiovascular, ventilatory, and gas exchange responses
  • Decreased OUES (slope of VO2 versus logVE)
  • Low peak VO2 (<85% predicted), despite good effort
  • Low AT (<40% predicted maximal VO2)
  • Normal cardiovascular, ventilatory, and gas exchange responses
CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing; VO2: oxygen uptake; VT: tidal volume; VE: minute ventilation; VCO2: carbon dioxide production; O2: oxygen; ECG: electrocardiogram; BP: blood pressure; OUES: oxygen uptake efficiency slope; PaO2: arterial partial pressure of oxygen; SpO2: pulse oxygen; A-a: alveolar-arterial; VD: dead space; AT: anaerobic threshold.
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