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Comparison of fertility-awareness based methods of pregnancy prevention

Comparison of fertility-awareness based methods of pregnancy prevention
  Percent of women with unintended pregnancy in first year of typical use[1] Data required User requirements Period of required abstinence/barrier method* Benefits Limitations Teaching aid
Fertility-awareness based method
Standard Days method 12 Period start date Track cycle with calendar, CycleBeads, or app Approximately 12 days

Easiest to use

Fewest days of abstinence or barrier method
Requires regular cycles of 26 to 32 days in length CycleBeads (product or app)
Dynamic Optimal Timing (DOT smartphone app) 5 Period start date Enter period start date in app Varies, approximately 11 days

Easiest to use

Fewest days of abstinence or barrier method

App alerts user to fertile days
Requires cycles 20 to 40 days in length DOT app
Cervical mucus or ovulation methods
TwoDay method 14 Observation of cervical secretions Assess presence/quality of secretions several times daily Approximately 13 days (range 10 to 14)

Easy to use

Appropriate for any cycle length
Must check secretions several times a day Teaching calendar
Billings or Creighton methods 23 Observation of cervical secretions Assess presence/quality of secretions several times daily Approximately 14 to 17 days

Users become attuned to their own physiologic cycle changes

Appropriate for any cycle length
Labor intensive to teach and use Teaching calendar
Multimodal methods
Sensiplan symptothermal method 2 Observation of cervical secretions and BBT Assess presence/quality of secretions several times daily Approximately 12 to 17 days

Users become attuned to their own physiologic cycle changes

Can be used with short, long, or irregular cycles
Labor intensive to track 2 parameters Tracking calendar
Marquette method 11 Observation of cervical secretions and urinary LH test Must measure and track 2 indicators Minimum 9 days

Users become attuned to their own physiologic cycle changes

Can be used with any cycle length
Cost of urine test kit Urinary LH test kit
Natural Cycles (smartphone app) 8 to 10 Menstrual calendar, BBT, and optional LH test Enter period start date, BBT, and secretion data in app Varies

Users become attuned to their own physiologic cycle changes

Can be used with any cycle length

Requires input of patient-specific BBT data

Cost of monthly subscription and thermometer
App-based program
BBT: basal body temperature; LH: luteinizing hormone.
* Baseline window of fertility is 6 days.[2]
  1. Contraceptive Technology, 21st, Hatcher RA, Nelson AL, Trussell J, Cwiak C, Cason P, Policar MS, Edelman AB, Aiken AR, Marrazzo JM (Eds), Ayer Company Publishers, Inc., New York, NY 2018. p.844.
  2. Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, Baird DD. Post-ovulatory ageing of the human oocyte and embryo failure. Hum Reprod 1998; 13:394.
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