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Module for evaluation of math skills in children

Module for evaluation of math skills in children
Math skill Description Manifestations of impaired skill What to ask the school team
Number sense
  • Ability to understand what is bigger or smaller, shorter or taller, etc
  • Understanding that numbers are a precise way of knowing what is bigger, smaller, shorter, taller, etc
  • Ability to visualize numbers in their correct order (ie, number line)
  • Does not understand differences in quantities
  • Does not understand that numbers are a precise way of showing differences in quantities
  • Inability to visualize numbers in their correct order (necessary for math operations)
  • Is this child developing number sense skills?
  • Which number sense skills has this child developed?
  • Which number sense skills is this child still mastering?
Math operations or math calculations
  • Procedures for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing
  • Does not know how to perform all math operations or some math operations (eg, multiplication, division)
  • Guesses at answers to math operations
  • Makes errors in math operations
  • May be able to perform math operations on single digits (eg, "3" or "7") but not on multiple digits (eg, "25" or "347")
  • Is this child able to perform addition and subtraction?
  • How many digits can this child add and subtract?
  • Is this child able to perform multiplication and division?
Math fluency
  • Ability to do math calculations smoothly and quickly
  • Takes a long time to perform math operations (math fluency is needed to perform multistep problems successfully)
  • Does this child have difficulty with math fluency?
Math facts
  • Automatically knowing the answer to common math calculations (crucial component of math fluency)
  • Cannot automatically remember the answers to common math calculations (eg, "25 + 5" or "7 × 7")
  • Does this child have difficulty with math facts?
Complex math problems
  • Multistep problems: Ability to perform calculations that have multiple steps
  • Abstraction: Ability to use numbers to describe different types of quantities (eg, weight, volume, speed, money, time)
  • Complex numbers: Ability to understand numbers such as fractions, decimals, and negative numbers
  • Estimation: Ability to use knowledge of numbers to perform approximate calculations by making estimates
  • Difficulty with math problems that have multiple steps; steps may be carried out in the wrong order or performed incorrectly
  • Inability to use numbers successfully when counting various quantities (eg, weight, volume, speed, money, time)
  • Makes errors or guesses at the right answer without knowing how to solve the problem
  • Does this child have problems performing complex math problems?
  • If so, is the problem due to:
    • Problems in number sense?
    • Problems in calculations?
    • Problems with math fluency or math facts?
    • Not doing all of the steps in the right order?
    • Inability to abstract?
    • Inability to use complex numbers?
This table is intended for use with UpToDate content on learning disabilities in children. It may be helpful in discussing the child's math skills with the child's teacher, requesting testing for math skills, discussing testing results, and/or monitoring math progress.
Reproduced with permission from: Tufts Medical Center and the Floating Hospital for Children, and New England Quality Care Alliance. Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.
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