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Causes and diagnostic features of PEEVO

Causes and diagnostic features of PEEVO
Cause of PEEVO Fluid type Patient characteristics Pleural fluid characteristics Diagnostic test
Transudative PEEVO
PDAPE Peritoneal dialysate Unilateral effusion in patient undergoing peritoneal dialysis (fluid migrates across the diaphragm) Clear fluid, transudate with very low protein Glucose = 200 to 2000 mg/dL, PF/S glucose >1
Urinothorax Urine

Ipsilateral effusion in a patient with obstructive uropathy or iatrogenic/traumatic injury to GU tract

Urinoma may be present on imaging
Serous, transudate with very low protein (<1 mg/dL), pH <7.40 PF/S creatinine >1 (supportive) >1.7 (diagnostic)
EVM of CVC Intravenous fluid Ipsilateral effusion in a patient with newly placed CVC (catheter migrates through the posterior venous wall and mediastinal pleura) Serosanguinous (if mixed with blood) transudate with very low protein, IV fluid content* Content reflective of infusate (eg, high glucose if dextrose)

VP or VPL shunt


Effusion in patient with VP or VPL shunt

Patient with an effusion who has a spinal cord tumor or is status post a neurosurgical procedure (eg, laminectomy, discectomy) or thoracic surgery (eg, thoracotomy or thoracoscopy)
"Clear water," transudate with very low protein (<1 mg/dL) Beta2 transferrin present
Glycinothorax Irrigation fluid rich in glycine Effusion in a patient undergoing irrigation for transurethral bladder surgery Clear fluid, transudate PF/S glycine 300:1 or higher
Hepatic hydrothorax Ascites Effusion in a patient with portal hypertension Clear transudate similar to ascites (unless infected) Clinical diagnosis of exclusion
Exudative PEEVO
Esophageal or gastric perforation Infected or esophageal/gastric contents Unilateral, often left-sided effusion in a patient with injury or pathology of the esophagus or stomach Purulent, foul odor, exudate with high PMN, LDH >1000 IU/L, Ph5-7

PF/S amylase >1

Salivary isoenzyme

Food particles
Enteral feeding tube migration Enteral formula Patient with effusion (often left-sided) after misplacement of feeding tube (penetration of esophagus or tracheobronchial tree) Milky fluid, exudate TG >110 mg/dL [1.24 mmol/L], PF/S glucose >1
Pancreaticopleural fistula Pancreatic fluid Right-sided effusion in patient with chronic pancreatitis or pseudocyst Turbid yellow, exudate Amylase >100,000 IU/L (pancreatic isoenzyme)
Bilothorax Bile Right-sided effusion following injury to the biliary tree, or from biliary tract obstruction or from parasitic infection of liver, or sub diaphragmatic abscess Green and turbid, exudate with signs of infection (eg, high white blood cell count, high percentage of neutrophil, high lactate dehydrogenase, pH <7.2, low glucose) PF/S bilirubin >1 (organisms may be present)
Chylothorax Chyle (lymphatic fluid) Effusion in patients with lymphatic pathology (eg, tumors, trauma, LAM) Milky fluid, exudate TG >110 mg/dL [1.24 mmol/L] and/or detection of chylomicrons
Cholesterol effusion Cholesterol Effusion in a patient with tuberculosis or rheumatoid arthritis Milky fluid exudate Pleural fluid cholesterol level ≥200 mg/dL [≥5.18 mmol/L], a cholesterol to triglyceride ratio >1 in the pleural fluid, chylomicrons absent

PEEVO: pleural effusion of extra-vascular origin; PDAPE: peritoneal dialysis-associated pleural effusion; PF/S: pleural fluid to serum ratio; EVM: extravascular migration; CVC: central venous catheter; VP: ventriculoperitoneal; VPL: ventriculopleural; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; DPF: duropleural fistula; PMN: polymorphonuclear neutrophil; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; TG: triglyceride; LAM: lymphangioleiomyomatosis.

* Exception is when total parenteral nutrition or lipids are being infused, in which case protein is present and fluid will be milky, respectively.
Graphic 122224 Version 3.0

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