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Frequencies of different types of F8 and F9 DNA variants in hemophilia A and B

Frequencies of different types of F8 and F9 DNA variants in hemophilia A and B
The pie charts show the distribution of types of variants in the F8 gene in males with hemophilia A and the F9 gene in males with hemophilia B. The types of variants differ for severe disease (left-hand side) and mild to moderate disease (right-hand side). For both hemophilia A and B, structural and nonsense variants predominate in severe disease, whereas missense variants are most common in mild to moderate disease.
(A) Hemophilia A; F8 variants
(B) Hemophilia B; F9 variants
Int: intron; inv: inversion; SV: structural variant; bp: base pairs; indel: insertion-deletion; UTR: untranslated region.
Republished with permission of the American Society of Hematology, from: Johnsen JM, Fletcher SN, Huston H, et al. Novel approach to genetic analysis and results in 3000 hemophilia patients enrolled in the My Life, Our Future initiative. Blood Adv 2017; 1(13):829; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. Copyright © 2017.
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