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Peri-RSI hypoxemia: Common causes and interventions

Peri-RSI hypoxemia: Common causes and interventions
Common causes Important clinical findings Interventions Prevention and preparation
ETT malposition (dislodged; esophageal placement)
  • Bilateral decreased breath sounds
  • Gastric breath sounds (esophageal intubation)
  • Low PIP
  • Extubate and reintubate
  • Waveform capnography
Mainstem intubation
  • Asymmetric breath sounds
  • High resistance to BMV
  • High PIP
  • Withdraw ETT appropriate distance and recheck breath sounds
  • Insert ETT appropriate distance
  • Keep ETT well secured
ETT cuff malfunction
  • Ventilator leak or low ventilation volumes
  • Loss of pilot balloon pressure
  • Exchange ETT
  • Inflate and check cuff of primary and backup ETT prior to intubation
Mucus plugging
  • Increased secretions
  • High resistance to BMV
  • High PIP
  • ETT suctioning
  • Suction frequently if heavy secretions
Rapid desaturation
(causes: obesity, late term pregnancy, inadequate preoxygenation, intrapulmonary shunt [eg, ARDS, pneumonia])
  • Sudden drop in oxygen saturation very soon after induction and neuromuscular blockade
  • Rescue mask ventilation with oral and nasal airways
  • Rescue extraglottic device
  • Maximize preoxygenation:
    • Upright sitting (if no concern for c-spine injury) or reverse Trendelenburg position
    • Flush-rate oxygen
    • BiPAP and PEEP
    • Continuous passive oxygenation
Profound shock or anemia
  • Specific findings vary with cause; refer to UpToDate topics and graphics on rapid sequence intubation
  • Asymmetric breath sounds
  • Subcutaneous emphysema
  • High resistance to BMV
  • High PIP
  • Needle thoracostomy (temporizing)
  • Tube thoracostomy
  • 18 gauge needle or chest tube kit at the bedside for high-risk patients
Oxygen apparatus malfunction
  • Hypoxemia unexplained by clinical findings
  • Confirm oxygen source functioning, connections secure, and tubing intact
RSI: rapid sequence intubation; ETT: endotracheal tube; PIP: positive inspiratory pressure; BMV: bag-mask ventilation; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; c-spine: cervical spine; BiPAP: bilevel positive airway pressure; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure.
Graphic 121731 Version 3.0

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