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Calculator: Length unit conversions

Calculator: Length unit conversions


Set maximal display precision in decimal points:

  • Type in a starting value in the FROM box and select the starting units with the pull-down selector. Choose the new unit in the lower pull-down selector and the converted value will appear immediately in the TO box.
  • Conversion factors used to convert units of length are shown in the table below. To convert length from one unit to another, multiply input length value by the appropriate conversion factor. The appropriate conversion factor is located in the box where the row for input unit of length (From: unit) intersects with the column for desired unit of length (To: unit).

Inches 10.083330.02542.5425.4025400
Feet 12.010.304830.48304.8304800
Meters 39.43.281110010001000000
Centimeters 0.3940.03280.01011010000
Millimeters 0.03940.0032810.0010.111000
Only digits 0 to 9 and a single decimal point (".") are acceptable as numeric inputs. Attempted input of other characters into a numeric field may lead to an incorrect result.

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