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Interpretation of crossmatch results in kidney transplantation

Interpretation of crossmatch results in kidney transplantation
(virtual crossmatch)
Flow crossmatch CDC crossmatch Interpretation
Positive Positive Positive
  • Significant burden of DSA
  • High risk of hyperacute rejection
Positive Positive Negative
  • Moderate burden of DSA
  • Non-complement-fixing DSA
Positive Negative Negative
  • Lowest burden of DSA
  • Different serum samples used for SAB versus crossmatch testing (historical DSA)
  • Identifies an antibody that is specific to an allele that donor does not have
  • False-positive SAB test (no "true" DSA) due to:
    • High background (serum factors binding to latex beads)
    • Binding to denatured antigen
    • Low threshold for calling an antibody present (overcalling)
Negative Positive Positive
  • Non-HLA IgG binding to cell surface antigens found on lymphocytes
  • Drug interference (eg, rituximab, ATG, alemtuzumab, IVIG) where binding of the therapeutic antibody to lymphocytes is detected by the assay
  • Antibodies against particular loci may not be routinely reported by HLA laboratory
  • Different serum samples used for SAB versus crossmatch testing (DSA currently present, development of new DSA from an interval sensitizing event, or burden higher in serum used for crossmatch)
  • False-negative SAB:
    • Donor antigen/allele is not represented in the bead panel
    • For class II: Donor alpha/beta chain combination not represented by bead panel
    • Presence of inhibitors in serum ("prozone" effect)
    • Presence of IgM/IVIG binding to the beads that masks detection of IgG alloantibody
    • Low-level anti-HLA antibody against a shared epitope that is "diluted out" across multiple beads (under-representing true antibody burden)
Negative Negative Positive
  • IgM antibody (can be either anti-HLA or non-HLA)
Negative Positive Negative
  • Low-level IgG non-HLA antibody
  • False-negative SAB test (refer to above)
SAB: single-antigen bead; CDC: complement-dependent cytotoxicity; DSA: donor-specific antibodies; HLA: human leukocyte antigen; IgG: immunoglobulin G; ATG: antithymocyte globulin; IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulin; IgM: immunoglobulin M.
Courtesy of Melissa Y Yeung, MD, FRCPC.
Graphic 120942 Version 2.0

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