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CAD-RADS reporting and data system for patients presenting with acute chest pain, negative first troponin, negative or non-diagnostic electrocardiogram, and low to intermediate risk (TIMI score <4) in an emergency department or hospital setting

CAD-RADS reporting and data system for patients presenting with acute chest pain, negative first troponin, negative or non-diagnostic electrocardiogram, and low to intermediate risk (TIMI score <4) in an emergency department or hospital setting
  Degree of maximal coronary stenosis Interpretation Management
CAD-RADS 0 0% ACS highly unlikely
  • No further evaluation of ACS is required.
  • Consider other etiologies.
CAD-RADS 1 1 to 24%* ACS highly unlikely
  • Consider evaluation of non-ACS etiology, if normal troponin and no ECG changes.
  • Consider referral for outpatient follow-up for preventive therapy and risk factor modification.
CAD-RADS 2 25 to 49% ACS unlikely
  • Consider evaluation of non-ACS etiology, if normal troponin and no ECG changes.
  • Consider referral for outpatient follow-up for preventive therapy and risk factor modification.
  • If clinical suspicion of ACS is high or if high-risk plaque features are noted, consider hospital admission with cardiology consultation.
CAD-RADS 3 50 to 69% ACS possible
  • Consider hospital admission with cardiology consultation, functional testing and/or ICA for evaluation and management.
  • Recommendation for anti-ischemic and preventive management should be considered as well as risk factor modification. Other treatments should be considered if presence of hemodynamically significant lesion.

A: 70 to 99%


B: >50% (left main) or ≥70% (3-vessel) obstructive disease
ACS likely
  • Consider hospital admission with cardiology consultation. Further evaluation with ICA and revascularization as appropriate.
  • Recommendation for anti-ischemic and preventive management should be considered as well as risk factor modification.
CAD-RADS 5 100% (total occlusion) ACS very likely
  • Consider expedited ICA on a timely basis and revascularization if appropriate if acute occlusion.Δ
  • Recommendation for anti-ischemic and preventive management should be considered as well as risk factor modifications.
CAD-RADS N Non-diagnostic study ACS cannot be excluded
  • Additional or alternative evaluation for ACS is needed.
The CAD-RADS classification should be applied on a per-patient basis for the clinically most relevant (usually highest-grade) stenosis. All vessels greater than 1.5 mm in diameter should be graded for stenosis severity. CAD-RADS will not apply for smaller vessels (<1.5 mm in diameter).
MODIFIERS: If more than one modifier is present, the symbol "/" (slash) should follow each modifier in the following order:
  • First: modifier N (non-diagnostic)
  • Second: modifier S (stent)
  • Third: modifier G (graft)
  • Fourth: modifier V (vulnerability)
CAD-RADS: coronary artery disease-reporting and data system; ACS: acute coronary syndrome; ECG: electrocardiogram; ICA: invasive coronary angiography.
* CAD-RADS 1 — This category should also include the presence of plaque with positive remodeling and no evidence of stenosis.
¶ CAD-RADS 2 — Modifier 2/V can be used to indicate vulnerable/high-risk plaque.
Δ Exception would be if the total coronary occlusion can be identified as chronic through computed tomography and clinical characteristics or patient history.
Reproduced from: Cury RC, Abbara S, Achenbach S, et al. CAD-RADSTM Coronary Artery Disease — Reporting and Data System. An expert consensus document of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI). Endorsed by the American College of Cardiology. J Cardiovasc Comut Tomogr 2016; 10:269. Table used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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