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Drugs used to lower blood pressure in the operating room: Adult dosing*

Drugs used to lower blood pressure in the operating room: Adult dosing*
Drug Functional class (predominant receptor or mechanism) Bolus dose Infusion dose Comments
Beta blocking agents – Generally avoided in patients with acute decompensated heart failure
Esmolol Beta1-selective adrenergic receptor blockade 10 to 50 mg, which may be repeated (every 5 to 15 minutes depending upon the initial dose used, the desired effect, and the patient's risk for hemodynamic decompensation) 50 to 300 mcg/kg/minute
  • Rapid onset and very short duration of action
  • Clearance is not dependent on renal or hepatic function due to rapid metabolism by plasma esterases
Metoprolol Beta1-selective adrenergic receptor blockade 1 to 5 mg, followed by 2.5 to 15 mg every 3 to 6 hours N/A
  • Commonly used agent to treat suspected myocardial ischemia due to tachycardia with normal or elevated blood pressure
Labetalol Blockade of postsynaptic alpha1-adrenergic receptors and non-selective beta blockade for beta1- and beta2-adrenergic receptors Initial bolus of 5 to 25 mg, which may be followed by repeated boluses every 10 minutes (up to 300 mg) 0.5 to 2 mg/minute up to a maximum of 10 mg/minute (generally reserved for hypertensive emergencies)
  • Often selected as a first-line agent to treat concomitant hypertension and tachycardia
  • Use cautiously in patients with obstructive or reactive airway disease
  • Avoid in hyperadrenergic states (eg, pheochromocytoma or cocaine or methamphetamine overdose) since beta blockade and loss of beta2-mediated vasodilation induced by labetalol can lead to severe hypertension when prior alpha1-adrenergic blockade is incomplete
Calcium channel blocking agents – Use cautiously in patients with increased ICP
Nicardipine* Selective dihydropyridine-type calcium channel blocker; selective arteriolar smooth muscle relaxation 100 to 500 mcg 5 to 15 mg/hour
  • Predominantly arteriolar vasodilator
  • Commonly used for neurosurgical patients
Clevidipine Selective dihydropyridine-type calcium channel blocker; selective arteriolar smooth muscle relaxation N/A Initial dose 1 to 2 mg/hour, with rapid titration up to 16 mg/hour
  • Rapid onset and short duration of action
  • Clearance is not dependent on renal or hepatic function due to rapid metabolism by plasma esterases
Direct vasodilators (direct relaxation of vascular smooth muscle) – Generally avoided in patients with increased ICP
Hydralazine Highly selective vasodilation of arterial resistance vessels Initial bolus of 2.5 mg followed by repeated boluses every 5 minutes to a maximum 20 mg N/A
  • Minimal or no effect on the venous circulation
  • Relatively slow onset compared with other antihypertensive agents
Nitroglycerin (glyceryl trinitrate) Nitrodilator that causes increased release of NO, resulting in smooth muscle relaxation 10 to 40 mcg, which may be repeated and/or followed by infusion

10 to 200 mcg/minute


0.1 to 3 mcg/kg/minute
  • Continuous monitoring using an intra-arterial catheter is warranted as soon as feasible, particularly if higher doses are used
  • SL or paste forms of nitroglycerin paste (1 to 2 inches) formulations also available
Nitroprusside Nitrodilator that directly releases NO, resulting in smooth muscle relaxation N/A

10 to 200 mcg/minute


0.1 to 3 mcg/kg/minute
  • Continuous monitoring using an intra-arterial catheter is necessary
  • Cyanide accumulation may occur
Other antihypertensive agents
Fenoldopam Selective agonist for D1 dopamine receptors; binds with moderate affinity to alpha2-adrenoceptors N/A Initial dose at 0.1 mcg/kg/minute titrated up to a maximum of 1.6 mcg/kg/minute
  • Rarely used in perioperative settings
  • Generally avoided in patients with glaucoma or increased ICP

N/A: not applicable; ICP: intracranial pressure; NO: nitric oxide; SL: sublingual.

* Dose ranges are based on adult patients of average size.

¶ Refer to related UpToDate content on hemodynamic management during anesthesia.
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