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ACSM recommendations for beginning strength training

ACSM recommendations for beginning strength training
ACSM beginning* strength training recommendations for healthy adults
  • Beginners should train 2 to 3 days per week.
  • Multiple-joint exercises should be emphasized.
  • Programs should be designed to preserve exercise intensity. Multiple-joint exercises are performed before single-joint exercises; large muscle groups are trained before small muscle groups.
  • Loads for exercises should fall within the 8 to 12 repetition maximum weight.
  • Single or multiple sets of each exercise may be performed. The number of sets performed should not be increased dramatically from one training session to another.
  • Loads for a particular exercise may be increased by 2 to 10% once the individual can perform the current workload for 1 to 2 repetitions more than the goal repetition number (ie, more than 8 to 12 repetitions). Smaller increments are needed for exercises involving smaller muscle groups.
  • Proper strength training programs are contingent upon an individual's goals, physical capacity, and training status.
ACSM: American College of Sports Medicine.
* These recommendations are for untrained, otherwise healthy adults with no resistance training experience or who have not trained for several years.
Adapted from: American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009; 41:687.
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