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Complications of thoracostomy

Complications of thoracostomy
Death or further morbidity due to bleeding, hypoxia, analgesia/sedation, or inability to rapidly perform the procedure
Analgesia/sedation-related complications
Injury to one or more chest wall structures (eg, ribs, intercostal nerve bundle, internal thoracic artery, breast)
Injury to one or more intrathoracic structures (eg, lung trachea, bronchus, diaphragm, heart, great vessels, esophagus, phrenic nerve, thoracic duct, thymus)
Injury to one or more extrathoracic structures (eg, neck, liver, spleen, stomach, intestine)
Infection (thoracostomy site, empyema, mediastinitis, sepsis)
Bleeding (eg, thoracostomy site, intercostal vessel, internal thoracic vessel, pleural adhesions)
Peripheral nerve injury (eg, intercostal nerve, phrenic nerve, thoracic nerve)
Drug/allergic reaction (latex, anesthetic, prep solution, analgesics, sedatives, antibiotic)
Improper extrathoracic position of catheter/tube (subcutaneous, muscular, or abdominal)
Catheter/tube leak due to side port outside of the thorax or faulty drainage device connections
Tube loss due to failure to properly secure the catheter/tube in place
Inappropriate catheter/tube positioning due to failure to check postprocedure chest radiograph or adjust catheter/tube position based on radiograph
Misinterpretation of needle thoracostomy findings
Inappropriately sized size catheter/tube requiring repeat procedure
Improper skin incision that causes unnecessary cosmetic impact
Damage to another medical device near the operative site
Improperly connected Heimlich valve (ie, wrong direction)
Improper setup of a water seal-drainage reservoir-suction apparatus
Death or further morbidity due to infection, bleeding, or failure to correct a dysfunctional device
Kinked, obstructed, or dislodged catheter/tube that requires an additional procedure
Failure to recognize catheter/tube or drainage/suction device malfunction
Late injury or erosion of an anatomic structure due to the catheter/tube
Dysfunction of an anatomic structure due to impingement by the catheter/tube
Failure to remove device when it is no longer needed
Late infection (eg, thoracostomy site, empyema, mediastinitis, sepsis)
Pneumothorax upon catheter/tube removal that requires intervention
Pleural fistula
Failure to place additional catheters/tubes when drainage by a single catheter/tube is inadequate to restore satisfactory physiologic status
Failure to maintain sterile technique during manipulation of device or drainage system
Adapted from: Baldwin S, Terndrup TE. Thoracostomy and related procedures. In: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, 2nd ed, King C, Henretig FM (Eds), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2008.
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