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Lung ultrasound evaluation versus conventional approaches to hypoxemia

Lung ultrasound evaluation versus conventional approaches to hypoxemia
Approach Preinduction evaluation in
unplanned anesthesia
Intraoperative hypoxemia:
patient conditions
Conventional evaluation of intraoperative/perioperative hypoxemia (SpO2 <94%) Auscultation
  • Pulmonary edema/fluid overload: bilateral diffuse crackles
  • Pneumothorax, suspected large effusion: unilateral abolition of lung sounds
  • Atelectasis/pleural effusion/atelectasis/pneumonia-reduced dorsal breath sounds
  • Bronchospasm: wheezes
  • Secretion accumulation: rhonchi
Chest radiograph
Auscultation (as in "Preinduction evaluation in unplanned anesthesia") consistent with:
  • Esophageal intubation?
  • Mainstem intubation?
  • Bronchospasm?
  • Secretions?
  • Pneumothorax?
  • Pulmonary edema/fluid overload?
  • Atelectasis
Chest radiograph
LUSA-empowered evaluation of intraoperative/perioperative hypoxemia (SpO2 <94%) LUSA
  • Pulmonary edema: bilateral diffuse, homogenous "B" pattern
  • Pneumothorax: absent lung sliding, presence of "lung point," absent "B" pattern
  • Pleural effusion: anechoic lung base-diaphragmatic interface
  • Consolidation: heterogeneous hypoechoic visible lung/focal "B" pattern (atelectasis or pneumonia)
  • Impending major atelectasis: absent lung sliding, presence of "lung pulse"
  • Derecruited dorsal areas: LUSA, dorsal "B" pattern
  • Signs of severe hypovolemia, severe LV or RV systolic dysfunction, cardiac tamponade physiology: low CO causing low ScvO2
  • FoCUS: PE – deep venous thrombosis?
LUSA (as in "Preinduction evaluation in unplanned anesthesia") consistent with:
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Pneumothorax
  • Pleural effusion
  • Consolidation
  • Impending major atelectasis/endobronchial intubation: absent lung sliding, presence of "lung pulse"
  • Derecruited dorsal areas
  • Aspiration, pneumonitis: unilateral or bilateral, heterogeneous "B" pattern
  • Signs of severe hypovolemia, severe LV or RV systolic dysfunction, cardiac tamponade physiology: low CO causing low ScvO2
  • FoCUS: PE – deep venous thrombosis?
The table lists the distinctive features between a conventional approach to the diagnosis of perioperative hypoxemia and an approach that includes LUSA.
LUSA: lung ultrasonography in surgical anesthesia; SpO2: oxygen saturation measured with a pulse oximeter; LUSA: lung ultrasound in surgical anesthesia; FOCUS: focused cardiac ultrasound; PE: pulmonary embolism; CO: cardiac output; LV: left ventricular; RV: right ventricular; ScvO2: central-venous oxygen saturation.
From: Díaz-Gómez JL, Renew JR, Ratzlaff RA, et al. Can Lung Ultrasound Be the First-Line Tool for Evaluation of Intraoperative Hypoxemia? Anesth Analg 2018; 126:1769. DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000002578. Copyright © 2018 International Anesthesia Research Society. Reproduced with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health. Unauthorized reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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