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Genetic disorders causing congenital diarrheas and enteropathies (CODEs)

Genetic disorders causing congenital diarrheas and enteropathies (CODEs)
Disorder Gene Protein function Clinical characteristics
Name Inheritance Diarrhea type Biopsy Other characteristics
Epithelial electrolyte transport

Congenital chloride diarrhea

(MIM #214700)
SLC26A3 AR Cl/HCO3 exchanger Severe watery, ETRD* Normal Polyhydramnios; high fecal Cl (>90 mM); hypochloremic hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis.

Congenital sodium diarrhea

(MIM #616868)
SLC9A3 AR Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE3) Severe, watery, ETRD Normal Polyhydramnios; diarrhea features similar to above, but with high fecal Na+ content (typically >140 mM) and metabolic acidosis.

Familial GUCY2C diarrhea

(MIM #614616)
GUCY2C (gain of function) AD Guanylate cyclase Mild, watery, ETRD Normal Early-onset mild diarrhea, with increased intraluminal chloride, metabolic acidosis, and susceptibility to IBD.

Pseudohyperaldosteronism type 1

(MIM #264350)



AR Epithelial Na+ channel Severe, watery, ETRD Normal Hypotension, Na+-wasting in urine and stools. Elevated serum aldosterone levels. Channels regulated by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Epithelial nutrient transport

Glucose-galactose malabsorption

(MIM #606824)
SLC5A1 AR Na+-glucose cotransporter Severe, watery, diet-induced Normal Diarrhea resolves with fasting or with a glucose- and galactose-free diet; severe dehydration; metabolic acidosis.

Lysinuric protein intolerance

(MIM #222700)
SLC7A7 AR Cationic amino acid transporter (intestine and kidney) Watery diarrhea Normal Episodes of diarrhea, vomiting, and acute encephalopathy, with hyperammonemia induced by protein consumption.

Primary bile acid diarrhea

(MIM #613291)
SLC10A2 AR Ileal bile salt transporters Watery/fatty; both ETRD and diet-induced Normal Excessive colonic Cl secretion; fat malabsorption due to lack of bile acid reuptake and insufficient intraluminal bile acids. Unlike other forms of ETRD, feedings worsen the diarrhea. Fat-soluble vitamin deficiency; cholestatic liver disease.
SLC51B AR Basolateral bile acid transporter

Acrodermatitis enteropathica

(MIM #201100)
SLC39A4 AR Zinc transporter Watery Normal Erythematous vesiculobullous acrodermatitis (typically on cheeks and buttocks); diarrhea; alopecia; ophthalmic disorders; low serum zinc.
Epithelial enzymes and metabolism

Congenital lactase deficiency

(MIM #223000)
LCT AR Disaccharidase Watery, diet-induced Normal Diarrhea resolves with fasting or a lactose-free diet. Must be distinguished from secondary lactose intolerance, which is induced by mucosal injury (eg, after an enteric infection) and is transient.

Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency

(MIM #222900)
SI AR Disaccharidase Watery, diet-induced Normal Diarrhea resolves with fasting or a carbohydrate-free diet (no sucrose, maltose, or starch). Young infants are asymptomatic because sucrose is absent in breast milk and is not common in formulas.

Trehalase deficiency

(MIM #612119)
TREH AR Disaccharidase Watery Normal Diarrhea associated with a dose-dependent consumption of a trehalose-containing diet (eg, mushrooms or foods produced with bakers' yeast). Young infants are asymptomatic because trehalose is not typically in infant formula or breast milk.

Enterokinase deficiency

(MIM #226200)
PRSS7 AR Pro-enterokinase Watery, diet-induced Normal Diarrhea improves on an amino acid-based diet.

DGAT1 deficiency

(MIM #615863)
DGAT1 AR Triglyceride synthesis Watery, diet-induced Abnormal villi; positive PAS stain. Diarrhea induced by enteral lipids, with features of ETRD*; severe protein-losing enteropathy with hypoalbuminemia; emesis; growth failure.

Hennekam lymphangiectasia-lymphedema syndrome-1

(MIM #235510)
CCBE1 AR Budding of venous endothelium Watery Intestinal lymphangiectasia Diarrhea; protein-losing enteropathy; facial dysmorphism; cognitive impairment.

PLVAP deficiency

(MIM #226300)
PLVAP AR Endothelial fenestrae Watery, diet-induced Normal Severe protein-losing enteropathy with hypoalbuminemia; hypertriglyceridemia. Very rare.


(MIM #200100)
MTP AR Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein Fatty, diet-induced Fat-laden enterocytes Low LDL with normal fecal elastase.


(MIM #615558)

(MIM #605019)
APOB AR Lipid absorption Fatty, diet-induced Fat-laden enterocytes Low LDL with normal fecal elastase.
ANGPTL3 AR Inhibits lipoprotein lipase activity

Chylomicron retention disease

(MIM #246700)
SAR1B AR Intracellular chylomicron trafficking Fatty, diet-induced Fat-laden enterocytes Low LDL with normal fecal elastase.

Dyskeratosis congenita

(MIM #613989)
TERT AR/AD Maintenance of telomeres Watery and/or bloody Crypt apoptosis, increased intraepithelial lymphocytes, villus atrophy, and expanded lamina propria Variable age of presentation, which may include enteropathy. Multiple syndromes and genes involved.

Kabuki syndrome

(MIM #147920)
KMT2D AD Histone methyltransferase Watery, but may be variable Normal, but may be inflammatory Syndromic disorder that may be associated with neonatal hypoglycemia, immunologic defects, and/or autoimmune diseases, including vitiligo.
Epithelial trafficking and polarity

Microvillus inclusion disease

(MIM #251850)
MYO5B AR Cellular trafficking, polarity, and signaling Severe watery ETRD Villus atrophy; microvillus inclusions on electron microscopy; positive CD10/villin stain Diarrhea improves but does not resolve with fasting. May include cholestatic liver disease.

Tufting enteropathy

(MIM #613217)
EPCAM AR Cell-cell adhesion and signaling Severe watery ETRD Villus atrophy and focal epithelial tufts in small and large bowel; positive MOC31 stain Diarrhea persists with fasting.

Syndromic Na+ diarrhea

(MIM #270420)
SPINT2 AR Serine protease inhibitor Severe watery ETRD Tufting enteropathy-like features Choanal atresia; rarely, intestinal atresia.

Trichohepatoenteric syndrome 1 (THES1)

(MIM #222470)
TTC37 AR Cell polarity and signaling Watery/bloody Villus atrophy, mononuclear infiltrates Liver disease; immune defect; facial dysmorphism; abnormal hair.

Trichohepatoenteric syndrome 2 (THES2)

(MIM #614602)
SKIV2L AR Helicase

Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 5

(MIM #613101)
STXBP2 AR Syntaxin-binding protein Mild, diet-induced Short apical microvilli Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (excessive immune activation, hepatitis, cytopenias); mild chronic diarrhea. Diarrhea may not resolve after bone marrow transplant.

TTC7A deficiency

(MIM #243150)
TTC7A AR Protein transport and trafficking ETRD Enterocolitis, villus atrophy; chronic inflammation Intestinal atresias; underlying SCID.
UNC45A deficiency UNC45A AR Cellular trafficking, polarity, and signaling Severe watery ETRD Villus atrophy; microvillus inclusions on electron microscopy; positive CD10/villin stain Cholestasis; congenital diarrhea; impaired hearing; bone fragility.

MEDNIK syndrome

(MIM #609313)
AP1S1 AR Required for sorting of late-Golgi/trans-Golgi network Watery Enteropathy Intellectual disability; enteropathy; deafness; peripheral neuropathy; ichthyosis; keratoderma.

MIRAGE syndrome

(MIM #617053)
SAMD9 AR Downstream target of TNF-alpha Watery Enteropathy Enteropathy; myelodysplasia; infection; restriction of growth; adrenal hypoplasia; genital phenotypes.
Enteroendocrine cell dysfunction

Enteric anendocrinosis

(MIM #610370)
NEUROG3 AR Transcription factor-cell fate Watery, diet-induced Normal villus architecture; selective loss of EECs (chromogranin or synaptophysin stains) Later onset of insulin-dependent diabetes (without autoantibodies).

X-linked lissencephaly

(MIM #300215)
ARX X-linked Transcription factor required for neuronal and EEC development Diet-induced Normal villus architecture; possible selective reduction of certain EECs Lissencephaly (smooth cerebral cortex) and severe neurologic abnormalities; seizures; generalized malabsorptive diarrhea.

Enteric dysendocrinosis

(MIM #600955)
PCSK1 AR Hormonal endopeptidase Severe diet-induced Normal villus architecture Generalized malabsorption; multiple systemic endocrinopathies (adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, diabetes insipidus); elevated pro-insulin.

Mitchell-Riley syndrome

(MIM #615710)
RFX6 AR Transcription factor-cell fate Generalized malabsorption Normal villus architecture and EECs May have intestinal atresia, malrotation, intrinsic and extrinsic biliary duct abnormalities, and neonatal diabetes.

Congenital malabsorptive diarrhea 11

(MIM #618662)
PERCC1 AR Required for EEC development Generalized malabsorption Normal villus architecture, reduced EECs Diarrhea.
Immune dysregulation-associated enteropathy


(MIM #304790)
FOXP3 X-linked Regulatory T cell Watery, mucoid, or bloody Villus atrophy; nonspecific features of autoimmune enteropathy; inflammation Immune dysregulation; polyendocrinopathy (diabetes, thyroiditis); enteropathy X-linked (only males affected). Diarrhea persists with fasting. Food allergies common.

CD55 deficiency

(MIM #226300)
CD55 AR Complement cascade inhibitor Watery or bloody; generalized malabsorption Inflammatory Severe protein-losing enteropathy (low Igs and albumin, elevated stool AAT); thrombosis; mucosal ulcers.

Neonatal inflammatory skin and bowel disease-1 (NISBD1)

(MIM #614328)
ADAM17 AR TNF-alpha-converting enzyme Watery or bloody; generalized malabsorption Focal villous atrophy; minimal crypt hyperplasia Neonatal onset of severe inflammatory skin rash, diarrhea, and recurrent infections.

Neonatal inflammatory skin and bowel disease-2 (NISBD2)

(MIM #616069)
EGFR AR EGF receptor Watery Normal Similar to NISBD1.

Lymphoproliferative syndrome, X-linked

(MIM #300635)
XIAP (BIRC4) X-linked Inhibitor of apoptosis Bloody Inflammatory Associated with recurrent infections, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis characteristics, and colitis.

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), type 1

(MIM #607594)
ICOS AR T cell receptor Watery Inflammatory; depletion of plasma cells Form of CVID with low Igs and B cells. Severe diarrhea; recurrent infections (sinusitis, bronchitis); lymphadenopathy. Typically presents during childhood but occasionally in infants.

Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, type 5 (CTLA4 deficiency)

(MIM #616100)
CTLA4 AD Costimulatory signaling Watery or bloody Inflammatory; lymphocytic infiltration Interstitial lung disease; autoimmune thrombocytopenia; lymphocytic infiltration in various organs including the intestine. Some patients have features of CVID.

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), type 8 (LRBA deficiency)

(MIM #614700)
LRBA AR Endosomal trafficking regulator Watery or bloody Inflammatory; loss of plasma cells Form of CVID that may present with diarrheal symptoms during early infancy. Low Igs.

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID), type 10 (NFKB2 deficiency)

(MIM #615577)
NFKB2 AD Required for induction of secondary lymphoid tissue and for T helper and Treg function Watery or bloody Inflammatory; recurrent infections Form of CVID that results in diarrheal symptoms and recurrent infections; may have associated central adrenal insufficiency.

Immunodeficiency, type 12 (MALT1 deficiency)

(MIM #615468)
MALT1 AR Required for T and B cell activation Watery or bloody Inflammatory Form of combined immunodeficiency that may present with diarrheal symptoms during early infancy; dysmorphic facies and poor growth.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), type 28 (IL10RA deficiency)

(MIM #613148)
IL10RA AR IL-10 receptor is required for antiinflammatory role of IL-10 Watery or bloody Inflammatory Form of early-onset IBD with immune dysregulation that can result in enteric fistulas and perirectal abscess within several months of life.

Chronic granulomatous disease, X-linked

(MIM #306400)
CYBB X-linked Impaired superoxide Watery or bloody Inflammatory; with granulomas Severe recurrent infections.
Intestinal stem cell factors

Neonatal-onset chronic diarrhea-9

(MIM #618168)
WNT2B AR Cell-cell signaling factor Watery Crypt hypoplasia; enteroendocrine hyperplasia; atrophic gastritis Occulo-intestinal syndrome (anterior chamber abnormalities such as corneal clouding).

CODEs: congenital diarrheas and enteropathies; AR: autosomal recessive; AD: autosomal dominant; ETRD: electrolyte transport-related diarrhea; NHE3: sodium-hydrogen exchanger 3; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; PAS: periodic acid-Schiff; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; SCID: severe combined immunodeficiency; TNF-alpha: tumor necrosis factor-alpha; EEC: endometrial echo complex; Igs: immunoglobulins; AAT: alpha-1 antitrypsin; EGF: epidermal growth factor; CVID: common variable immunodeficiency; Treg: regulatory T cells; IL: interleukin.

* ETRD is also known as secretory diarrhea. We prefer the term ETRD because this acknowledges that the pathology may include either abnormal secretion or abnormal absorption of electrolytes.

¶ Immune dysregulation-associated enteropathies include a group of disorders sometimes known as very early-onset IBD (VEO-IBD). For a discussion of the clinical presentation and evaluation of VEO-IBD, refer to UpToDate content on clinical presentation of IBD in children and Uhlig HH, et al[1].
  1. Uhlig HH, Schwerd T, Koletzko S, et al. The diagnostic approach to monogenic very early onset inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology 2014; 147:990.
  2. Uchida T, Suzuki T, Kikuchi A, et al. Comprehensive Targeted Sequencing Identifies Monogenic Disorders in Patients With Early-onset Refractory Diarrhea. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2020; 71:333.

Original table modified for this publication. From: Thiagarajah JR, Kamin DS, Acra S, et al. Advances in evaluation of chronic diarrhea in infants. Gastroenterology 2018. Table used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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