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Types of thoracic central venous obstruction

Types of thoracic central venous obstruction
Four patterns of TCVO:
  • Type 1: (A-D) Both BCVs and the SVC are patent, but one IJV or SCV is obstructed. If patency of all thoracic veins cannot be determined, this type of TCVO can be classified as type 1A or type 1B.
    • Type 1A: (A) Unilateral IJV or SCV obstruction with patent ipsilateral BCV; patency of all other thoracic central venous anatomy is not known.
    • Type 1B: (B) Unilateral IJV or SCV obstruction with patent ipsilateral BCV; patency of contralateral thoracic central venous anatomy is not known.
    • Type 1C: (C) Unilateral IJV or SCV obstruction with known patency of the contralateral IJV, SCV, and BCV.
    • Type 1D: (D) Bilateral obstruction of IJVs, SCVs, or combined IJV and SCVs, with both BCVs patent.
  • Type 2: (E, F) Any form of TCVO that causes unilateral BCV obstruction or ipsilateral obstruction of the IJV and SCV (equivalent to unilateral BCV obstruction).
    • Type 2A: (E) Unilateral BCV obstruction with unknown condition of the contralateral side.
    • Type 2B: (F) Unilateral BCV obstruction with known patency of the contralateral side.
  • Type 3: (G) Both BCVs are obstructed, but flow to the right atrium passes through the SVC.
  • Type 4: (H) SVC obstruction that prevents or impedes direct thoracic venous flow to the right atrium with any constellation of BCV, IJV, or SCV obstruction.
TCVO: thoracic central vein obstruction; BCV: brachiocephalic vein; SCV: subclavian vein; IJV: internal jugular vein; SVC: superior vena cava.
Reproduced from: Dolmatch BL, Gurley JC, Baskin KM, et al. Society of Interventional Radiology Reporting Standards for Thoracic Central Vein Obstruction: Endorsed by the American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology (ASDIN), British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR), Canadian Interventional Radiology Association (CIRA), Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Indian Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (ISVIR), Vascular Access Society of the Americas (VASA), and Vascular Access Society of Britain and Ireland (VASBI). J Vasc Interv Radiol 2018; 29:454. Illustration used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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