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Comparison of risk prediction models for extrameningeal solitary fibrous tumors (SFT)

Comparison of risk prediction models for extrameningeal solitary fibrous tumors (SFT)
Risk criteria All extrameningeal SFT Extrameningeal, extrapleural SFT only
Demicco et al, 2017* Salas et al, 2017 Georgiesh et al, 2020Δ Pasquali et al, 2016
  Points       Points   Points   Points
(per 10 HPF)
0 0 ≤4 ≤4   0 <4 0 ≤4 0
1-3 1 >4 >4   1 ≥4 2 >4 3
≥4 2                
Age (years) <55 0 <60 <60 ≥60 0        
≥55 1 ≥60 ≥60 <60 1        
Sex             Female 0    
            Male 1    
Site     Other   Other 0        
    Limb   Viscera 1        
Size 0-4.9 cm 0                
5-9.9 cm 1                
10-14.9 cm 2                
≥15 cm 3                
Necrosis <10% 0         Absent 0    
≥10% 1         <50% 1    
            ≥50% 2    
Cellularity                 Low 0
                Moderate-high 2
Nuclear pleomorphism                 Low 0
                Moderate-high 2
Radiation therapy         Yes 0        
        No 1        
  Risk for metastases Points Risk for metastases Risk for adverse or poor OS Risk for LR Points Risk for recurrence Points Risk for recurrence Points
Risk sum stratification Low 0-3 Very low Low Very low 0 Low 0 Very low 0
Intermediate 4-5 Low Intermediate Low 1 Intermediate 1-2 Low 2
High 6-7 Intermediate High Intermediate 2 High 3-5 Intermediate 3-5
    High   High 3     High >5
HPF: high-power field; OS: overall survival; LR: local recurrence.
* In the Demicco model, risk factors for metastasis were mitotic rate, age ≥55 years, tumor size, and necrosis.
¶ In the Salas model, risk factors for metastasis were age >60 years, mitotic rate ≥4, and limb primary site. Adverse criteria for OS were age ≥60 years and mitoses ≥4. Risk factors for LR were age <60 years, visceral location, and no radiation therapy.
Δ In the Georgiesh model, risk factors for recurrence were mitotic count, necrosis, and male sex.
Any recurrence, either local or distant.
  1. Demicco EG, Wagner MJ, Maki RG, et al. Risk assessment in solitary fibrous tumors: validation and refinement of a risk stratification model. Mod Pathol 2017; 30:1433.
  2. Salas S, Ressequier N, Blay JY, et al. Prediction of local and metastatic recurrence in solitary fibrous tumor: construction of a risk calculator in a multicenter cohort from the French Sarcoma Group (FSG) database. Ann Oncol 2017; 28:1979.
  3. Georgiesh T, Boye K, Bjerkehagen B. A novel risk score to predict early and late recurrence in solitary fibrous tumour. Histopathology 2020; 77:123.
  4. Pasquali S, Gronchi A, Strauss D, et al. Resectable extra-pleural and extra-meningeal solitary fibrous tumours: A multi-centre prognostic study. Eur J Surg Oncol 2016; 42:1064.
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