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Clinical risk scores for patients with colorectal liver metastases

Clinical risk scores for patients with colorectal liver metastases
  Criteria (1 point assigned for each risk factor) Risk groups
  1. Disease-free interval <12 months
  2. Number of metastases >1
  3. Preoperative CEA level >200 ng/mL
  4. Largest liver metastasis >5 cm
  5. Lymph node positive primary tumor

Low: 0 to 2 points

High: 3 to 5 points
  1. Age >60
  2. Serosal invasion of the primary tumor (>pT3)
  3. Lymph node positive primary tumor
  4. Disease-free interval <24 months
  5. Number of liver metastases >3
  6. Largest liver metastasis >5 cm

Low: 0 to 2 points

Intermediate: 3 to 4 points

High: 5 to 6 points
  1. Serosal invasion of primary tumor (>pT3)
  2. Lymph node positive primary tumor
  3. Number of liver metastases ≥2
  4. Largest liver metastasis >5 cm
  5. Resectable extrahepatic metastases

Low: 0 to 1 points

Intermediate: 2 to 3 points

High: ≥4 points
  1. Number of liver metastases ≥4
  2. CEA ≥200 ng/mL
  3. Synchronous liver metastases

Low: 0 points

Intermediate: 1 point

High: ≥2 points
Four clinical risk scores are commonly calculated for patients with colorectal liver metastases to predict prognosis after liver resection; all were developed in patients undergoing surgery without prior chemotherapy. Refer to the associated UpToDate topic for detailed discussion of how clinical risk scores should be used in the modern era of neoadjuvant therapy.
CEA: carcinoembryonic antigen.
  1. Fong Y, Fortner J, Sun RL, et al. Clinical score for predicting recurrence after hepatic resection for metastatic colorectal cancer: analysis of 1001 consecutive cases. Ann Surg 1999; 230:309.
  2. Nordlinger B, Guiguet M, Vaillant JC, et al. Surgical resection of colorectal carcinoma metastases to the liver. A prognostic scoring system to improve case selection, based on 1568 patients. Association Francaise de Chirurgie. Cancer 1996; 77:1254.
  3. Nagashima I, Takada T, Adachi M, et al. Proposal of criteria to select candidates with colorectal liver metastases for hepatic resection: comparison of our scoring system to the positive number of risk factors. World J Gastroenterol 2006; 12:6305.
  4. Konopke R, Kersting S, Distler M, et al. Prognostic factors and evaluation of a clinical score for predicting survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases. Liver Int 2009; 29:89.
Reproduced from: Wimmer K, Schwarz C, Szabo C, et al. Impact of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on clinical risk scores and survival in patients with colorectal liver metastases. Ann Surg Oncol 2017; 24:236. Copyright © 2017 Wimmer K, Schwarz C, Szabo C, et al. Available at: (Accessed on February 23, 2018). Reproduced under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.
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