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Available immune globulin (immunoglobulin) products and their properties

Available immune globulin (immunoglobulin) products and their properties
Route Product Dosage form Diluent Refrigeration required? Filtration required? Osmolality
Sodium pH IgA
Stabilizer or regulator* Pathogen inactivation/
IV Alyglo 10% liquid Sterile water NoΔ No Not available Not available 4.5 to 5.5 ≤100 Glycine FI+III, S/D, NF
Asceniv 10% liquid NA Yes No Not available 0.100 to 0.140 mol/L 4.0 to 4.6 <200 Glycine and polysorbate 80 FP, S/D, VF
Bivigam 10% liquid NA Yes No <510 100 to 140 mM 4.0 to 4.6 ≤200 Glycine FP, S/D, NF
Flebogamma DIF 5% 5% liquid NA NoΔ Optional 240 to 370 Trace 5.0 to 6.0 <50 D-sorbitol Past, S/D, dsNF, FP, PEG, pH4
Flebogamma DIF 10% 10% liquid NA NoΔ No 240 to 370 Trace   <100 D-sorbitol Past, S/D, dsNF, FP, PEG, pH4
Gammagard 5% S/D Lyophilized Sterile water No Yes 636 8.5 mg/mL 6.8 <1 2% glucose and glycine CEF, CHROM, S/D
Gammaplex 5% liquid NA NoΔ 15 to 20 micron filter preferred 420 to 500 30 to 50 mmol/L 4.8 to 5.0 <4 Sorbitol and glycine and polysorbate 80 S/D, VF, low pH
Gammaplex 10% liquid NA NoΔ No ≥280 <30 mM/L 4.9 to 5.2 <20 Glycine and polysorbate 80 S/D, VF, low pH
Octagam 5% liquid NA NoΔ Optional 310 to 380 0.03 mEq/mL 5.1 to 6.0 <200 Maltose CEF, UF, CHROM, S/D, pH4
Octagam 10% liquid NA NoΔ Optional 310 to 380 <30 mmol/L 4.5 to 5.0 106 Maltose CEF, S/D, pH 4, UF, CHROM
Panzyga 10% liquid NA No Optional 240 to 310 Trace 4.5 to 5.0 100 Glycine S/D, CEF, NF, CHROM
Privigen 10% liquid NA No No 240 to 440 Trace 4.6 to 5.0 <25 L-proline CEF, CHROM, pH 4, DF, NF, OAF
IV or SC Gammagard liquid 10% liquid NA NoΔ Optional 240 to 300 None added 4.6 to 5.1 37 Glycine CEF, CHROM, S/D, pH 4, NF
Gammaked 10% liquid NA, incompatible with saline No§ No 258 None added 4.0 to 4.5 46 Glycine CEF, pH 4.2, DF, CAP, CHROM, NF
Gamunex-C 10% liquid NA, incompatible with saline No§ No 258 None added 4.0 to 4.5 46 Glycine CEF, pH 4.2, DF, CAP, CHROM
SC Cutaquig 16.5% NA Yes¥ No 310 to 380 <30 mmol/L 5.0 to 5.5 ≤600 Maltose CEF, UF, CHROM, S/D, pH 4
Cuvitru 20% solution NA No No 208 to 290 None 4.6 to 5.1 80 Glycine CEF, CHROM, NF, S/D
Hizentra 20% liquid NA No No 380 Trace, <10 mmol/L 4.6 to 5.2 ≤50 Proline CEF, CHROM, pH 4.2, DF, NF, VF, OAF
Hyqvia 10% liquid + hyaluronidase, human recombinant NA No No 240 to 300 None added 4.6 to 5.1 37 Glycine CEF, CHROM, S/D, pH 4, NF
Xembify 20% NA 2 to 8°C No 280 to 404 None 4.1 to 4.8 Not defined Glycine CEF, CHROM, CAP, NF, DF, low pH
Intramuscular GamaSTAN 16.5% solution NA 2 to 8°C No Not available Not measured 4.1 to 4.8 Not measured Glycine CEF, CAP, CHROM, NF, low pH, DF
GamaSTAN S/D** 15 to 18% liquid NA 2 to 8°C No Not available 0.4 to 0.5% 6.4 to 7.2 Not measured Glycine CEF, S/D, UF
Brand names and descriptions refer to products available in the United States and some other countries; product availability, specific composition, and other details regarding individual products vary in other countries. Refer to additional UpToDate topics on immune globulin therapy and product inserts for the indications and use of these products.

CAP: caprylate; CEF: cold ethanol fractionation; CHROM: chromatography; DF: depth filtration; DIF: dual inactivation and filtration; dsNF: double sequential nanofiltration; FI+III: fractionation I+III; FP: fraction precipitation; IgA: immunoglobulin A; IV: intravenous; NA: not applicable; Nano, NF: nanofiltration; OAF: octanoic acid fractionation; Past: pasteurization; PEG: polyethylene glycol precipitation; S/D: solvent detergent; SC: subcutaneous; UF: ultrafiltration; VF: virus filtration.

* Precautions and laboratory abnormalities associated with specific stabilizers include the following. For additional information, refer to UpToDate clinical topics, immune globulin drug monograph, and labeling for specific products.
  • Glucose: May alter glycemic control in patients with diabetes mellitus
  • L-proline: Cannot be used in patients with hyperprolinemia
  • Maltose: Falsely elevates glucose readings in certain blood glucose monitoring systems; may contain trace corn protein (potential allergen); may increase plasma osmolality (usually not clinically important)
  • Polysorbate 80: Some patients may be hypersensitive (also known as Tween 80); reactions can be delayed type
  • Sorbitol, D-sorbitol: Cannot be used in patients with hereditary fructose intolerance
  • Sucrose: Avoid in patients with renal impairment or increased risk of acute kidney injury

¶ Pathogen inactivation/removal using CEF, DF, UF, CAP, CHROM, Nano, double sequential nanofiltration, VF, S/D, Past, FP, or OAF.

Δ Not required (+2 to 25°C).

◊ Storage is 2 to 8°C for 24 months or 25°C for 9 months.

§ Storage is 2 to 8°C for 36 months or 25°C for 6 months.

¥ Storage is 2 to 8°C for 24 months or 25°C for 6 months.

‡ Storage is 2 to 8°C for 36 months or 25°C for 12 months.

† Storage is 2 to 8°C for 36 months or 25°C for 3 months.

** GamaStan S/D has been discontinued in the United States.

Original table modified for this publication. From: Perez EE, Orange JS, Bonilla F, et al. Update on the use of immunoglobulin in human disease: A review of evidence. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017; 139:S1. Table used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Additional data from:
  1. US Food & Drug Administration. Licensed biological products with supporting documents. Available at: (Accessed on February 20, 2020).
  2. Characteristics of Immunoglobulin Products Used to Treat Primary Immunodeficiencies, Immune Deficiency Foundation. Available at: (Accessed on January 23, 2023).
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