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Estimated sensitivity, specificity, and cancer-specific deaths averted for each colorectal cancer screening strategy

Estimated sensitivity, specificity, and cancer-specific deaths averted for each colorectal cancer screening strategy
Sensitivity, specificity, and cancer-specific deaths averted for each screening strategy.
COL: colonoscopy; FIT: fecal immunochemical test; CTC: computed tomography colonography; SIG: sigmoidoscopy; gFOBT: guaiac-based fecal occult blood test; FIT-DNA: multitargeted stool DNA test.
* Assumes screening from ages 50 to 75 years, including 100% adherence, complete follow-up without delay, and appropriate surveillance. Ranges reflect results from 3 models.
Data from:
  1. Zauber A, Knudsen A, Rutter CM, et al. Evaluating the Benefits and Harms of Colorectal Cancer Screening Strategies: A Collaborative Modeling Approach. AHRQ Publication No. 14-05203-EF-2. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; October 2015.
  2. Knudsen AB, Zauber AG, Rutter CM, et al. Estimation of Benefits, Burden, and Harms of Colorectal Cancer Screening Strategies: Modeling Study for the US Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA 2016; 315:2595.
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