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The Functional Assessment of Self-Mutilation (FASM)

The Functional Assessment of Self-Mutilation (FASM)
A. In the past year, have you engaged in the following behaviors to deliberately harm yourself (check all that apply):
  Yes No How many times? Have you gotten medical treatment?
  1. Cut or carved on your skin
  1. Hit yourself on purpose
  1. Pulled your hair out
  1. Gave yourself a tattoo
  1. Picked at a wound
  1. Burned your skin (ie, with a cigarette, match or other hot object)
  1. Inserted objects under your nails or skin
  1. Bit yourself (eg, your mouth or lip)
  1. Picked areas of your body to the point of drawing blood
  1. Scraped your skin
  1. "Erased" your skin
  1. Other: _______________
B. If not in the past year, have you EVER done any of the above acts?
_____ Yes
_____ No
If yes to any of the above behaviors in the past year, please complete the questions (C through H) below:
C. While doing any of the above acts, were you trying to kill yourself?
_____ Yes
_____ No
D. How long did you think about doing the above act(s) before actually doing it?
_____ None
_____ "A few minutes"
_____ <60 minutes
_____ >1 hour but <24 hours
_____ More than 1 day but less than a week
_____ Greater than a week
E. Did you perform any of the above behaviors while you were taking drugs or alcohol?
_____ Yes
_____ No
F. Did you experience pain during this self-harm?
_____ Severe pain
_____ Moderate pain
_____ Little pain
_____ No pain
G. How old were you when you first harmed yourself in this way? __________

H. Did you harm yourself for any of the reasons listed below? (check all reasons that apply):

0 = Never; 1 = Rarely; 2 = Some; 3 = Often
Reasons: Rating
  1. To avoid school, work, or other activities
  1. To relieve feeling "numb" or empty
  1. To get attention
  1. To feel something, even if it was pain
  1. To avoid having to do something unpleasant you don't want to do
  1. To get control of a situation
  1. To try to get a reaction from someone, even if it's a negative reaction
  1. To receive more attention from your parents or friends
  1. To avoid being with people
  1. To punish yourself
  1. To get other people to act differently or change
  1. To be like someone you respect
  1. To avoid punishment or paying the consequences
  1. To stop bad feelings
  1. To let others know how desperate you were
  1. To feel more a part of a group
  1. To get your parents to understand or notice you
  1. To give yourself something to do when alone
  1. To give yourself something to do when with others
  1. To get help
  1. To make others angry
  1. To feel relaxed
  1. Other: _______________
Thank you for your responses!
Reproduced with permission from Elizabeth E. Lloyd-Richardson, Ph.D. Copyright © 1997.
Graphic 116313 Version 1.0

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