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AAST grading criteria for small bowel obstruction

AAST grading criteria for small bowel obstruction
Grade Description Radiographic criteria Operative criteria
I Partial SBO Minimal intestinal distension Minimal intestinal distension with no evidence of obstruction
II Complete SBO; bowel viable and not compromised Intestinal distension with transition point without bowel compromise Intestinal distension with transition point; no evidence of bowel compromise
III Complete SBO with compromised but viable bowel Intestinal distension with transition point, no distal contrast flow, evidence of complete obstruction or impending bowel compromise Intestinal distention with impending bowel compromise
IV Complete SBO with nonviable bowel or perforation with localized spillage Evidence of localized perforation or free air; bowel distension with free air or free fluid Intestinal distension with localized perforation or free fluid
V SB perforation with diffuse peritoneal contamination Bowel perforation with free air and free fluid Intestinal distension with perforation, free fluid, and evidence of diffuse peritonitis
AAST: American Association for the Surgery of Trauma; SBO: small bowel obstruction; SB: small bowel.
From: Hernandez MC, Haddad NN, Cullinane DC, et al. The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Severity Grade is valid and generalizable in adhesive small bowel obstruction. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2018; 84:372. DOI: 10.1097/TA.0000000000001736. Copyright © 2018 American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Reproduced with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health. Unauthorized reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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