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Genetic classification of oculocutaneous albinism

Genetic classification of oculocutaneous albinism
Type of albinism MIM # Gene Locus Encoding function Comments
OCA1* 606933 TYR 11q14-11q21 Tyrosinase, which catalyzes several steps in melanogenesis
  • OCA1A: No melanin
  • OCA1B: Varying amounts of melanin are present
OCA1A 203100
OCA1B 606952
OCA2 203200 OCA2 (previously called P gene) 15q11.2-15q12 Melanosomal membrane protein
  • Common in sub-Saharan Africa due to 2.7 kb deletion
  • Includes brown and rufous OCA
OCA3 203290 TYRP1 9p23 Stabilizes tyrosinase and regulates eumelanin production
  • Previously called red or rufous OCA
  • Common in Africa
OCA4 696574 SLC45A2 (previously called MATP and AIM1) 5p13.2 Membrane transport protein
  • Minimal to near normal melanin
  • Phenotype similar to OCA2
  • Common in Japan
OCA5 615312 Unknown 4q24 Unknown
  • Described in a Pakistani family
OCA6 609802 SLC24A5 15q21.1 Melanosome maturation
  • Described in a Chinese family
OCA7 615179 C10orf11 10q22.2-10q22.3 Melanocyte differentiation
  • Described in families on the Faroe Islands
OCA8 Not available DCT/TYRP2 13q32.1 Enzyme catalyst in melanogenesis
  • Described in a French girl and a North African woman
OCA: oculocutaneous albinism.
* OCA1 includes previously described temperature-sensitive OCA, minimal pigment OCA, and yellow OCA.
Original figure modified for this publication. From: Summers CG. Albinism. In: Taylor and Hoyt's Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 5th ed, Lambert SR, Lyons CJ (Eds), Elsevier, Atlanta 2017. Table used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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