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Grading the severity of carpal tunnel syndrome

Grading the severity of carpal tunnel syndrome
Clinical symptom grading
Mild symptoms
  • Tingling or discomfort in median nerve distribution, and
  • No sensory loss or weakness, and
  • CTS symptoms do not disrupt sleep, and
  • No difficulty with hand function or ADLs
Moderate symptoms
  • Sensory loss in median distribution, or
  • CTS symptoms (sensory loss or pain) interfere slightly with hand function but patient is able to perform all ADLs, or
  • Nocturnal symptoms may occasionally but not routinely disrupt sleep
Severe symptoms
  • Weakness in the median distribution, or
  • CTS symptoms disrupt one or more ADLs; patient is unable to carry out all previous activities, or
  • Nocturnal symptoms routinely disrupt sleep
EDX classification[1]
Mild CTS
  • Prolonged (relative or absolute) sensory latencies, and
  • Normal motor studies, and
  • No evidence for axon loss
Moderate CTS
  • Abnormal median sensory latencies as noted for mild CTS, and
  • Relative or absolute prolongation of median motor distal latency, and
  • No evidence of axon loss
Severe CTS
  • Any of the aforementioned NCS abnormalities with evidence of axon loss as defined by any of the following:
    • An absent or low-amplitude SNAP or mixed NAP
    • A low-amplitude or absent thenar CMAP
    • A needle EMG with fibrillation potentials or motor unit potential changes (large amplitude, long-duration motor unit potentials, or excessive polyphasics)
CTS: carpal tunnel syndrome; ADLs: activities of daily living; EDX: electrodiagnostic; NCS: nerve conduction studies; NAP: nerve action potential; SNAP: sensory nerve action potential; CMAP: compound muscle action potential; EMG: electromyography.
  1. Werner RA, Andary M. Electrodiagnostic evaluation of carpal tunnel syndrome. Muscle Nerve 2011; 44:597.
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