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Characteristic features of anorectal problems

Characteristic features of anorectal problems
Condition History Symptoms External exam Digital exam Anoscopy
  • History of receptive anal intercourse
  • Prior sexually transmitted diseases
  • Prior inflammatory bowel disease
  • Rectal pain, bleeding, and/or purulent discharge
  • Usually normal; discharge may be visible
  • Diffuse tenderness
  • Inflamed or friable mucosa
  • Presence of ulcers may suggest LGV, HSV infection, or syphilis
Perianal abscess/anal fistula
  • Prior perianal abscess or anal fistula
  • Rectal pain, bleeding, and/or purulent discharge
  • May be associated with fever/chills
  • Usually normal; discharge or fistula tract may be visible
  • Diffuse tenderness
  • Submucosal fullness with perianal abscess
  • May show pustule, fistula tract and/or discharge
Anal warts/dysplasia
  • Prior anogenital HPV infection (eg, warts, dysplasia)
  • Generally asymptomatic
  • May show skin-colored papular lesions (warts)
  • Usually normal
  • May show mucosal white papular lesions (warts)
Anal cancer
  • Prior anogenital HPV infection (eg, warts, dysplasia)
  • Rectal bleeding and/or pain
  • Stool caliber may be reduced
  • Normal
  • Lack of tenderness
  • Submucosal fullness
  • May show mucosal erosion
Anal fissure
  • History of receptive anal intercourse
  • History of chronic constipation
  • Prior anal fissure(s)
  • Intense pain, especially with defecation, and intermittent bleeding
  • Usually normal; bleeding may be visible
  • Localized tenderness
  • Fissure may be visible
  • Prior hemorrhoid(s)
  • Recurrent rectal bleeding, especially with defecation
  • Pain with thrombosed hemorrhoids
  • Dilated vein(s) may be visible
  • Tenderness with thrombosed hemorrhoids
  • Localized tenderness
  • Dilated vein(s) may be visible
Pruritus ani
  • Prior episodes of pruritus ani
  • Itchy anal region
  • Inflamed skin
  • May be evidence of cause (eg, pinworm, dermatitis) in small percentage of cases
  • Normal
  • Normal
LGV: lymphogranuloma venereum; HSV: herpes simplex virus; HPV: human papillomavirus.
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