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International anesthesia organizations' standards of monitoring during anesthesia

International anesthesia organizations' standards of monitoring during anesthesia
Organization Continuous presence of Descriptor Patient monitors
ASA Qualified anesthesia personnel Minimum
  • Inspired O2 with low O2 limit alarm
  • Pulse oximeter, with audible pulse tone and low threshold alarm
  • Expired CO2 continuous, with audible alarm, during general anesthesia or moderate/deep sedation
  • Disconnect alarm during mechanical ventilation
  • Continuous ECG
  • Blood pressure and heart rate at least every five minutes
  • During GA, pulse plethysmography or oximetry, or continuous palpation of pulse, or auscultation of heart sounds, or monitored intraarterial pressure trace, or ultrasound peripheral pulse
  • Temperature when clinically significant changes in body temperature are anticipated or suspected
AAGBI Anaesthetist of appropriate experience, or fully trained Physician Assistant (Anaesthesia) under the supervision of a Consultant Anesthetist Minimum
  • Pulse oximeter
  • NIBP
  • ECG
  • Capnography during GA and during regional anesthesia or sedation whenever there is loss of patient response to verbal contact
  • Temperature before general anesthesia and every 30 minutes during surgery
Should use
  • Inspired volatile anesthetic agent if used
  • Inspired N2O if used
  • During GA:
    • Inspired and expired oxygen, waveform capnography
    • During mechanical ventilation, airway pressure, TV, and RR
    • If NMBAs used, quantitative neuromuscular monitoring throughout anesthesia
  • During TIVA with neuromuscular blockade, processed EEG
  • Capillary blood glucose monitoring, blood gas analysis, hemoglobin measurement, flexible bronchoscopy
  • Invasive blood pressure, cardiac output at discretion of anaesthetist
EBA Appropriately trained and experienced anaesthesiologist Essential
  • Pulse oximeter
  • NIBP
  • ECG
  • Airway gases: O2 with audible alarm, CO2, vapour when volatile anesthetics used
  • Airway pressure
  • Peripheral nerve stimulator with NMBAs
  • Temperature
WHO-WFSA Vigilant anesthesia professional Highly recommended (mandatory)
  • Audible signals and alarms
  • Pulse oximeter, including heart rate
  • CO2 detector for intubated patients
  • NIBP
  • Continuous monitoring with stethoscope (precordial, pretracheal, or oesophageal)
  • Continuous capnography during GA or deep sedation
  • Continuous ECG
  • Peripheral nerve stimulator with muscle relaxants
  • Oxygen concentration monitoring, including inspired concentration and device to prevent delivery of hypoxic gas mixture
  • Disconnect alarm during mechanical ventilation
  • Intermittent temperature monitoring
  • Inspiratory and/or expired gas volumes, and concentration of volatile agents
  • Invasive blood pressure in appropriate cases
  • Continuous electronic temperature monitoring in appropriate cases
  • Processed EEG in appropriate cases
  • Urine output in appropriate cases
CAS Physician or an anesthesia assistant (with appropriate training and experience) under the immediate supervision of an anesthesiologist Required
  • Pulse oximeter
  • BP (either invasive or non-invasive)
  • ECG
  • Capnography for GA and sedation
  • Agent-specific anesthetic gas analyser with inhalation agents
Exclusively available for each patient
  • Temperature
  • Peripheral nerve stimulator when NMBAs used
  • Stethoscope (precordial, esophageal, or paratracheal)
  • Lighting appropriate to visualize an exposed portion of the patient
Immediately available
  • Spirometer
  • Manometer to measure ETT cuff pressure
  • Equipment for invasive hemodynamic monitoring (ie, intra-arterial, CVP)
  • Depth of anesthesia monitoring equipment to be considered for use in patients at increased risk for intraoperative awareness
ANZCA Vigilant anaesthetist, practitioner, medical practitioner Mandatory
  • Pulse oximeter
  • CO2 monitor during GA
  • ECG
  • NIBP
  • Inspired and end tidal concentration of inhaled anesthetics when used
  • Temperature when warming devices used
  • Neuromuscular function monitor (quantitative preferred) when considering extubation after use of nondepolarizing NMBAs
  • CO2 monitor during sedation
  • Continuous invasive blood pressure
  • Temperature
  • Neuromuscular function monitor when NMBAs used
  • Temperature
  • Other (EEG, CVP, CO, TEE, respiratory mechanics) when clinically indicated

ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists Standards for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring. Committee of Origin: Standards and Practice Parameters (Approved by the ASA House of Delegates on October 21, 1986, last amended on October 20, 2010, and last affirmed on December 13, 2020). Available at

AAGBI: Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Available at

EBA: European Board of Anaesthesiology. Available at

WHO-WFSA: World Heath Organization – World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists. Gelb AW, Morriss WW, Johnson W, et al. World Health Organization-World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WHO-WFSA) International Standards for a Safe Practice of Anesthesia. Can J Anaesth 2018.

CAS: Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society. Available at

ANZCA: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. Available at
CO2: carbon dioxide; CO: cardiac output; CVP: central venous pressure; ECG: electrocardiogram; EEG: electroencephalogram; ETT: endotracheal tube; GA: general anesthesia; HR: heart rate; N2O: nitrous oxide; NIBP: non-invasive blood pressure; NMBAs: neuromuscular blocking agents; O2: oxygen; TEE: transesophageal echocardiography; TIVA: total intravenous anesthesia.
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