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Diagnostic testing for patients anticipating anesthesia and procedures

Diagnostic testing for patients anticipating anesthesia and procedures
Age >65  Albumin, creatinine, hemoglobin 
Alcohol abuse: ECG, electrolytes, hemoglobin, LFTs, platelet count, PT/INR
Anasarca: Albumin, BUN, creatinine, ECG, electrolytes, TSH, T3, T4
Anemia: CBC, creatinine, ferritin, iron, transferrin saturation, TSH, T3, T4, Vit B12
Bleeding disorder (personal or family history): LFTs, platelet count, PT/INR, PTT
Blood loss (anticipated) significant: Hemoglobin, type and screen
BMI <16: Albumin, ECG, electrolytes, hemoglobin, PT/INR, TSH, T3, T4
BMI >50: ECG, HgA1c/glucose
Cardiac disease:
Arrhythmias (new or undiagnosed brady, irregular, or tachy): BNP, ECG, electrolytes, hemoglobin, TSH, T3, T4
Chest pain (new or worsening): BNP, ECG, hemoglobin
Heart failure (decompensated or NYHA class 3 or 4): BNP, chest radiograph, creatinine, ECG, electrolytes, hemoglobin
Murmur (undiagnosed): BNP, ECG
Chemotherapy (within last 30 days): BUN, CBC, creatinine, platelet count
CIED (pacemaker, ICD): ECG
Cocaine abuse: ECG
Contrast dye (anticipated use): Creatinine
Diabetes: Creatinine, HgA1c/glucose
Dyspnea (severe and undiagnosed): Albumin, BNP, BUN, chest radiograph, creatinine, ECG, electrolytes, hemoglobin, TSH, T3, T4
Goiter: T3, T4, TSH
Hematologic disorders (eg, leukemia, myeloma): CBC, platelet count
Hepatic disease: Albumin, BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, hemoglobin, LFTs, platelet count, PT/INR
Hypercoagulable condition (undiagnosed): Platelet count, PTT
Inflammatory bowel disease: Electrolytes, hemoglobin
Instrumentation of the urinary tract: Urinalysis
Malabsorption: Albumin, BUN, CBC, electrolytes, hemoglobin, PT/INR
Malnutrition: Albumin, BUN, CBC, creatinine, electrolytes, hemoglobin, PT/INR
Amiodarone use: ECG, T3, T4, TSH
Digoxin: ECG, electrolytes
Diuretics: Electrolytes
Heparin (unfractionated): PTT
Steroids (systemic): Electrolytes, HgA1c/glucose
Thyroid replacement: TSH, T3, T4
Warfarin: PT/INR
Planned initiation of warfarin for first time in hospital: PT/INR
Palpitations: ECG, hemoglobin, T3, T4, TSH
Positive antibody screen on previous type and screen: Type and screen (except for procedures with no blood loss potential)
Pulmonary disease (eg, cough, severe dyspnea, abnormal findings on chest examination): Chest radiograph
Pulmonary HTN: ECG
Radiation therapy (to chest, breasts, lungs, thorax): Chest radiograph, ECG
Renal disease: BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, hemoglobin
Suspected pregnancy: B-hCG
Syncope: BNP, creatinine, ECG, electrolytes, hemoglobin, HgA1c/glucose, TSH, T3, T4
Thyroid disease: TSH, T3, T4
Tobacco use + diabetes + age >55 years: Creatinine
Thrombocytopenia: Platelet count
Urinary tract infection (suspected): Urinalysis; sample hold for C/S if UA suggestive of infection
These tests should be done when one either suspects an undiagnosed or worsening condition or when no laboratory values are available and the results will affect perioperative management. Typically these would apply only for intermediate-high risk surgeries. Previously abnormal results predict new or worsening results or may now be normal.
ECG: electrocardiogram; LFTs: liver function tests; PT/INR: prothrombin time/international normalized ratio; TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone; CBC: complete blood count; PTT: partial thromboplastin time; T3: liothyronine sodium; T4: thyroxine; HbA1c: glycated hemoglobin; BNP: brain natriuretic peptide; BUN: blood urea nitrogen; CIED: cardiovascular implantable electronic device; ICD: implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; b-hCG: beta human chorionic gonadotropin; C/S: culture and sensitivity; UA: urine analysis.
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