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Triage guidelines

Triage guidelines
Patients for low risk procedures typically done with sedation:
  • In-person evaluation well before the day of surgery is recommended for patients with any one of the conditions from List 1
Triage guidelines for moderate-high risk procedures:
  • In-person evaluation well before the day of surgery is recommended for patients with any one of the conditions from List 1 or List 2
List 1:
  1. Poor historians who do not know their medications or medical history
  2. Unable to lie flat and still for the duration of the procedure
  3. Obstructive sleep apnea without treatment
  4. BMI >40
  5. Heart failure
  6. Pacemaker or implantable cardiac defibrillator
  7. Hospitalization for medical problems within the last two months
  8. Unable to perform activities of daily living (feeding or dressing oneself)
  9. Myocardial infarction within the last 60 days
  10. Coronary stents within the last six months
  11. Stroke or TIA within the last three months
  12. Use of anticoagulants if these must be stopped for the procedure
  13. Oxygen use
  14. Previous serious problems with anesthesia such as malignant hyperthermia, nerve damage
  15. Dialysis patient
  16. Severe liver disease
  17. Cannot hear, speak, or understand the language of clinicians
  18. Significant dementia or cognitive impairment
  19. Pregnancy (unless procedure is a termination)
  20. Obviously difficult airway or history of same
  21. Poorly controlled hypertension (SBP >160; DBP >100)
  22. Poorly controlled seizure disorder
  23. Pulmonary hypertension
  24. Significant airway abnormalities (goiter, tumors, tracheostomy)
  25. Hospitalization within the last two months unless the surgery was planned during the hospitalization
List 2:
  1. Age >65 years
  2. Taking >8 prescription medications
  3. Heart disease of any type
  4. Medical condition inhibiting normal daily activity
  5. Inability to climb one flight of stairs
  6. Conditions necessitating assistance or monitoring at home within last three months
  7. Diabetes mellitus
  8. Chronic pain
  9. Kidney disease
  10. Liver disease
  11. Significant lung disease (use of daily medications)
  12. Likely to require a blood transfusion
  13. Patient refusing blood transfusion
  14. Planned postoperative ICU admission
  15. Previous transplant
  16. Significant spine disease (eg, scoliosis or neurologic symptoms)
  17. Rheumatoid arthritis
  18. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy within the previous three months
  19. Active cancer
  20. Thyroid disease
  21. Adrenal disease
  22. Neurologic disease (seizure, paralysis)
  23. Chronic obstructive lung disease
  24. Muscular dystrophies
This table shows suggested criteria for triaging patients for preanesthesia evaluation prior to or on the day of surgery. For further information, refer to UpToDate content on preanesthesia evaluation for noncardiac surgery.
BMI: body mass index; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; ICU: intensive care unit; SBP: systolic blood pressure; TIA: transient ischemic attack.
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