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Patient preoperative history

Patient preoperative history
Name: DOB: Preferred daytime phone #:
Planned surgery: Today's date:
Primary care physician: PCP phone #:
Please list all previous surgeries (and approximate dates)
Please list any allergies to medications, latex, food, or other (and your reactions to them)
List all medications (include over-the-counter drugs, inhalers, herbals, supplements, and aspirin)
Drug name Dose and how often? Drug name Dose and how often?
1. 7.
2. 8.
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12.
Weight: (lbs or kg) ____
Height: (inches or cm) ____
(Circle the measurement units you use)
Please check any of the following that apply to your health:
  Heart attack at any time   Congenital heart disease
  Heart attack within past 60 days   Hypertension
  Chest pain or pressure with activity   Murmur
  Angina   Valve disorder
  Heart failure   LVAD
  Heart surgery   Heart device
  Heart stent in the last 6 months   Pacemaker
  Unable to climb 2 flights of stairs or walking 2 blocks because of chest pain or trouble breathing   Defibrillator
  Heart stent at any time   Fainted in the last year
  Atrial fibrillation   Pain in legs while walking
  Arrhythmia   None of these
  Oxygen at home   COPD
  Pulmonary hypertension   Pneumonia in last 2 months
  Trouble breathing at rest or with minimal exertions   Any problems with your lungs
  Asthma   Severe cough
    None of these
  Face, arm, or leg weakness   Myasthenia gravis
  Stroke/TIA within past 60 days   Muscular dystrophy
  Stroke or TIA at any time   Spinal cord injury
  Paralysis   Brain tumor
  Difficulty speaking   Brain aneurysm or AVM
  Dementia   Epilepsy, blackouts, or seizures
  Parkinson disease   None of these
  Hospitalized in last 30 days   Hypothyroidism
  Anemia   Adrenal disorder
  Sickle cell disease   Pituitary disorder
  Blood transfusion in last 3 months   Dialysis
  Blood clots/pulmonary embolus   Lupus
  Diabetes   Rheumatoid arthritis
  Cancer: What type? ________   Scleroderma
  Chemo or radiation last 3 months   Sjögren's disease
  Kidney disease other than stones   Jehovah's Witness
  Liver disease   Use illegal drugs (excluding marijuana)
  Cirrhosis   Kidney failure
  Hepatitis B/C   Taking antibiotics for any reason
  Jaundice   HIV
  Hyperthyroidism   None of these
  Blood thinners or anticoagulants other than aspirin   Von Willebrands
  Bleeding with surgery or tooth extractions   Known bleeding disorder
  Hemophilia   Severe nose bleeds
    None of these
  Malignant hyperthermia (in blood relatives or self) with anesthesia   Dentures
  Severe nausea or vomiting from anesthesia   Problems opening your mouth
  Difficult airway with anesthesia   Loose teeth
    None of these
  Unintentional weight loss >10 lbs   Difficulty doing your own shopping
  Difficulty getting out of bed/chair by yourself   Feel that everything you did was an effort: ____ days in the last week
  Difficulty making your own meals   Need assistance with eating or bathing or dressing
  Your physical abilities limit your daily activities   Fallen in the last 6 months ( ____ times)
    None of these
  Very loud snoring   High blood pressure/hypertension
  Tired/fall asleep frequently during the day   Sleep apnea; NO CPAP
  Observed to stop breathing during sleep   Sleep apnea; use CPAP
    None of these
  Cannot speak and/or understand English   Deaf
  Cannot lie flat for 45 minutes   Blind
  Currently pregnant. Last menstrual period began: ________
  Smoker (current or past) ____ packs/day for ____ years. Quit date: ________
  Drink alcohol. How much each day? ____ beers ____ glasses of wine ____ shots of hard alcohol
    None of these
Please list any medical illness or medications not noted already:

The graphic shows an example of a form that would be used to start a medical history during evaluation in anticipation of anesthesia. For further information, refer to UpToDate content on preanesthesia evaluation for noncardiac surgery.
DOB: date of birth; PCP: primary care physician; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; TIA: transient ischemic attack; AVM: arteriovenous malformation; CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure.
Graphic 114154 Version 3.0

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