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Low inspired anesthetic agent

Low inspired anesthetic agent
  • Signs of "light" anesthesia
  • Lower than intended measured anesthetic concentration (typically no alarm set for this)
Potential causes
  • Patient factors (none)
  • Equipment factors:
    • Empty vaporizer
    • Loose vaporizer cap
    • Improperly seated vaporizer
    • Air entrainment into breathing system
    • Anesthetic degradation by soda lime or baralyme
  • User factors:
    • Wrong agent in vaporizer
    • Bellows refilled using oxygen flush
    • Very low fresh gas flow
    • Failure to turn on the vaporizer
Suggested responses
  • Increase fresh gas flow rate
  • Increase vaporizer setting
  • Fill vaporizer
  • Check vaporizer cap and connection to manifold
  • Switch vaporizers
  • Check CO2 absorbent for heat or discoloration at the opposite end of where it typically changes color
    • Replace CO2 absorbent
  • Convert to intravenous anesthetic
CO2: carbon dioxide.
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