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High inspired CO2 alarm

High inspired CO2 alarm
  • Abnormal capnogram shape with elevated baseline
  • Discolored CO2 absorbent
  • Abnormal motion of one-way valves
Potential causes
  • Patient factors
    • High respiratory rate, small tidal volume in pediatrics
    • Malignant hyperthermia
  • Equipment factors
    • Exhausted CO2 absorbent
    • Open self-sealing CO2 canister connection (ie, quick-connect)
    • Intentional CO2 administration (eg, single ventricle neonates)
    • Excessive apparatus deadspace relative to tidal volume (eg, neonate)
    • Incompetent (stuck open) inspiratory valve
    • Incompetent (stuck open) expiratory valve
    • Low levels of inspired CO2 occur with rebreathing circuits such as Mapleson D or Bain circuits
    • Breathing system disconnect (during spontaneous breathing)
Suggested responses
  • Increase fresh gas flow rate to above minute ventilation (inspired CO2 will disappear if absorbent is exhausted or decrease with Mapleson breathing system)
  • Replace CO2 absorbent and check that canister is properly connected
  • Increase minute ventilation (to compensate for rebreathing)
  • Inspect, vibrate, dry, and/or repair one-way valves
  • Switch ventilator mode (spontaneous-manual versus mechanical) if incompetent one-way valve on fresh gas decoupled breathing system
CO2: carbon dioxide.
Graphic 113677 Version 1.0

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