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Low inspired O2 alarm

Low inspired O2 alarm
  • Lower than expected FiO2
  • Low SpO2
  • Low anesthetic agent concentration (if air entrainment into breathing system)
Potential causes
  • Patient factors
    • Patient O2 consumption and gas sampling exceeds O2 flow rate
  • Equipment factors
    • Gas piping system crossover
    • Mis-filled O2 source
    • O2 pipeline hose misconnection
    • Gas blender between O2 pipeline and anesthesia machine
    • Gas piping crossover within anesthesia machine
    • Cracked O2 flowmeter
    • Air entrainment into the breathing system
      • Circuit disconnection with spontaneous breathing
      • Circuit disconnection with hanging-bellows ventilator
      • Circuit disconnection with piston ventilator
Suggested responses
  • Increase O2 flow rate and decrease flow rate of other gases
  • Consider wrong gas malfunction if inspired O2 concentration does not increase
    • Open backup O2 cylinder AND disconnect O2 pipeline hose if pipeline crossover suspected
    • Do not use auxiliary O2 flowmeter on the anesthesia workstation - it has the same O2 source as main O2 flowmeter
  • Ventilate with manual resuscitation bag connected to a different O2 cylinder
FiO2: fraction of inspired oxygen; SpO2: pulse oximetry; O2: oxygen.
Graphic 113676 Version 1.0

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