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High airway pressure alarm

High airway pressure alarm
  • Elevated airway pressure on gauge
  • Increased slope of pressure-volume loop
  • "Tidal volume not delivered, pressure limit" alarm message
Potential causes
  • Patient factors
    • Low compliance
      • Coughing or bucking
      • Surgical peritoneal insufflation
      • Intentional single lung ventilation
      • Mainstem intubation
      • Pulmonary edema
      • Pneumothorax, especially tension pneumothorax
    • High resistance
      • Bronchospasm
      • Laryngospasm
      • Airway obstruction by mucous, blood, foreign body
  • Equipment factors
    • Kinked or obstructed endotracheal tube
    • Increased delivered tidal volume
      • High fresh gas flow rate with uncompensated ventilator
      • Oxygen flush during inspiration
    • Breath-stacking due to inadequate expiratory time
    • Obstructed breathing system at inspiratory hose
      • Improperly placed equipment such as PEEP valve or humidifier
Suggested responses
  • Check patient (look for movement and signs of coughing, observe patient chest movement, auscultate lungs)
  • Look at shape of airway pressure curve and expiratory portion of flow-volume loop (to differentiate high resistance from low compliance)
  • Look at shape of capnogram (to diagnose small airway resistance)
  • Pass suction catheter down endotracheal tube (to detect kink, mucous plug, or other obstruction)
PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure.
Graphic 113673 Version 1.0

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