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Corpus uteri: Sarcoma TNM staging AJCC UICC 8th edition

Corpus uteri: Sarcoma TNM staging AJCC UICC 8th edition
Primary tumor (T)
Leiomyosarcoma and endometrial stromal sarcoma
T category FIGO stage T criteria
TX   Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0   No evidence of primary tumor
T1 I Tumor limited to the uterus
T1a IA Tumor 5 cm or less in greatest dimension
T1b IB Tumor more than 5 cm
T2 II Tumor extends beyond the uterus, within the pelvis
T2a IIA Tumor involves adnexa
T2b IIB Tumor involves other pelvic tissues
T3 III Tumor infiltrates abdominal tissues
T3a IIIA One site
T3b IIIB More than one site
T4 IVA Tumor invades bladder or rectum
T category FIGO stage T criteria
TX   Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0   No evidence of primary tumor
T1 I Tumor limited to the uterus
T1a IA Tumor limited to the endometrium/endocervix
T1b IB Tumor invades to less than half of the myometrium
T1c IC Tumor invades one half or more of the myometrium
T2 II Tumor extends beyond the uterus, within the pelvis
T2a IIA Tumor involves adnexa
T2b IIB Tumor involves other pelvic tissues
T3 III Tumor infiltrates abdominal tissues
T3a IIIA One site
T3b IIIB More than one site
T4 IVA Tumor invades bladder or rectum
Regional lymph nodes (N)
All uterine sarcomas
N category FIGO stage N criteria
NX   Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
N0   No regional lymph node metastasis
N0(i+)   Isolated tumor cells in regional lymph node(s) no greater than 0.2 mm
N1 IIIC Regional lymph node metastasis
Distant metastasis (M)
All uterine sarcomas
M category FIGO stage M criteria
M0   No distant metastasis
M1 IVB Distant metastasis (excluding adnexa, pelvic, and abdominal tissues)
Prognostic stage groups
Leiomyosarcoma and endometrial stromal sarcoma
When T is... And N is... And M is... Then the stage group is...
T1 N0 M0 I
T1a N0 M0 IA
T1b N0 M0 IB
T2 N0 M0 II
T3a N0 M0 IIIA
T3b N0 M0 IIIB
T1-3 N1 M0 IIIC
T4 Any N M0 IVA
Any T Any N M1 IVB
When T is... And N is... And M is... Then the stage group is...
T1 N0 M0 I
T1a N0 M0 IA
T1b N0 M0 IB
T1c N0 M0 IC
T2 N0 M0 II
T3a N0 M0 IIIA
T3b N0 M0 IIIB
T1-3 N1 M0 IIIC
T4 Any N M0 IVA
Any T Any N M1 IVB
Grade is not a collected element in leiomyosarcoma, as all are high-grade tumors.
Used with permission of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois. The original source for this information is the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Eighth Edition (2017) published by Springer International Publishing. Corrected at 4th printing, 2018.
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