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Cases of human rabies with recovery

Cases of human rabies with recovery
Location Year Age of patient/sex Transmission Immunotherapy prior to onset* Outcome
United States 1970 6/M[1] Bat bite Duck embryo vaccine Complete recovery
Argentina 1972 45/F[2] Dog bite Suckling mouse brain vaccine Moderate sequelae
United States 1977 32/M[3,4] Laboratory (vaccine strain) Pre-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
Mexico 1992 9/M[5] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination (combination of vaccines) Severe sequelaeΔ
India 2000 6/F[6] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination (combination of vaccines) Severe sequelae
United States 2004 15/F[7,8] Bat bite No post-exposure therapy Mild sequelae
Brazil 2008 15/M[9] Bat bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
Turkey 2008 17/M[10] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination (one dose) Complete recovery
India 2010 8/M[11] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination and rabies immunoglobulin Severe sequelae (remained alive 5 years after acute illness)
India 2011 17/M[12] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
South Africa 2012 4/M[13] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
Chile 2013 25/M[14] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination (one dose) Moderate sequelae
India 2014 16/M[15,16] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
India 2014 6/M[17] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination and equine rabies immune globulin Severe sequelae
India 2014 13/M[18,19] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
India 2015 10/M§[20] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Unknown
India 2015 5/M§[20] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Unknown
India 2015 18/F§[20,21] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination and equine rabies immune globulin Mild sequelae
India 2015 10/M[22] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae¥
Peru 2015 27/F[23] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
India 2016 5/F[22] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
India 2017 26/M[22] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Moderate sequelae
India 2017 9/M[22] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination and equine rabies immune globulin Mild sequelae
India 2017 4/M[22] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination and equine rabies immune globulin Severe sequelae
India 2017 3/F[22] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Moderate sequelae
India 2017 5/F[22] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination and human rabies immune globulin Severe sequelae
Brazil 2017 14/M[24,25] Vampire bat bites None documented Severe sequelae
India 2018 8/M[26] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
India 2018 11/M[27] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae
India 2019 4/M[28] Dog bite Post-exposure vaccination Severe sequelae

* None of these survivors received timely administration of a full course of a recommended rabies post-exposure prophylaxis regimen.

¶ Outcomes include complete recovery, mild sequelae (eg, mild dysarthria, ataxia, and focal dystonia), moderate sequelae (eg, distal paraparesis), and severe sequelae (eg, mute and flaccid quadriplegia). Patients known to survive less than 6 months have been excluded.

Δ Patient died less than 4 years after developing rabies with marked neurologic sequelae (personal communication with L. Alvarez).[5]

◊ Patient died approximately 2 years after developing rabies with marked neurological sequelae (personal communication with S. Mahusudana).[6]

§ Additional information following conclusion of related study provided by R. S. Mani, MD, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India.

¥ Patient died 6 months after developing rabies with marked neurologic sequelae.

‡ Patient died 19 months after developing rabies with marked neurological sequelae after therapy in an induced coma for 16 months.

† Patient died 8 months after developing rabies with marked neurologic sequelae.
  1. Hattwick MA, Weis TT, Stechschulte CJ, et al. Recovery from rabies. A case report. Ann Intern Med 1972; 76:931.
  2. Porras C, Barboza JJ, Fuenzalida E, et al. Recovery from rabies in man. Ann Intern Med 1976; 85:44.
  3. CDC. Rabies in a laboratory worker--New York. MMWR 1977; 26:183.
  4. Tillotson JR, Axelrod D, Lyman DO. Follow-up on rabies - New York. MMWR 1977; 26:249.
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  6. Madhusudana SN, Nagaraj D, Uday M, et al. Partial recovery from rabies in a six-year-old girl. Int J Infect Dis 2002; 6:85.
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  14. Galvez S, Basque M, Contreras L, et al. Survivor of rabies encephalitis in Chile. Platform presentation at the XXIVth International Meeting on Research Advances and Rabies Control in the Americas in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on October 27, 2013.
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  16. Kumar KV, Ahmad FM, Dutta V. Pituitary cachexia after rabies encephalitis (Letter). Neurol India 2015; 63:255.
  17. Karande S, Muranjan M, Mani RS, et al. Atypical rabies encephalitis in a six-year-old boy: clinical, radiological, and laboratory findings. Int J Infect Dis 2015; 36:1.
  18. Manoj S, Mukherjee A, Johri S, Kumar KV. Recovery from rabies, a universally fatal disease. Mil Med Res 2016; 3:21.
  19. Rao A, Pimpalwar Y, Mukherjee A, Yadu N. Serial brain MRI findings in a rare survivor of rabies encephalitis. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2017; 27:286.
  20. Damodar T, Mani RS, Prathyusha PV. Utility of rabies neutralizing antibody detection in cerebrospinal fluid and serum for ante-mortem diagnosis of human rabies. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019; 13:e0007128.
  21. Hamide A, Kaliyappan A, Mani RS, Krishnamurthy A. Neurological recovery with serological response in a rabies survivor on long-term follow-up. Trop Doct 2021.
  22. Mani RS, Damodar T, S D, et al. Case Report: Survival from Rabies: Case Series from India. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2019; 100:165.
  23. Zarate AA, Sanchez M, Flores-Lovon K, et al. Pregnant woman from southern Peru with rabies infection who delivered a healthy baby. Trop Doct 2021; 51:457.
  24. Ledesma LA, Lemos ERS, Horta MA. Comparing clinical protocols for the treatment of human rabies: the Milwaukee protocol and the Brazilian protocol (Recife). Rev Soc Bras Med Trop 2020; 53:e20200352.
  25. Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Amazonas. Amazonas registra o segundo caso de sobrevivência por raiva humana no Brasil. January 9, 2018. Available at: (Accessed on January 13, 2023).
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  28. John B, Kumar S, Kumar S, et al. Child survivor of rabies in India: a case report. Paediatr Int Child Health 2020; 40:255.

Adapted from: Jackson AC. Therapy of human rabies. In Rabies: Scientific basis of the Disease and its Management, 4th Edition, Fooks AR, Jackson AC (Eds), Elsevier Academic Press 2020.

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