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Signs and symptoms suggesting a specific cause of cough in children (specific cough "pointers")

Signs and symptoms suggesting a specific cause of cough in children (specific cough "pointers")
Specific chronic cough "pointer" Possible major underlying etiology
Pulmonary symptoms
  • Chronic wet or productive cough*
Suppurative lung diseases (protracted bacterial bronchitis, chronic suppurative lung disease, bronchiectasis), aspiration, abscess, cavitations
  • Hemoptysis
Infection (eg, tuberculosis), interstitial lung disease, bronchiectasis, autoimmune lung disease
  • Wheeze (at rest or on exertion)
Asthma (if no other specific cough pointer present other than spirometry, and dyspnea that responds to bronchodilators); bronchiectasis, eosinophilic disorders (if other specific cough pointer[s] present)
  • Dyspnea (at rest or on exertion)
Asthma or any severe lung disease
  • Classically recognizable cough sounds
These cough characteristics (eg, barking, honking, whooping) often suggest a specific cause of cough
  • Recurrent pneumonia
Immunodeficiency, obstructed airways or any conditions causing bronchiectasis
Timing and triggers
  • Symptoms from neonatal period
Congenital abnormality related to airways, immune function, or causes with predisposition to bronchiectasis (eg, primary ciliary dyskinesia)
  • Onset after an episode of choking
Inhaled retained foreign body
  • Cough worsens when child is anxious or attention is focused and is absent during sleep
  • Cough improves with distraction or suggestion and can be voluntarily suppressed
Habit cough (tic cough)
  • Child has disproportionate thoughts and anxiety about the seriousness of symptoms
Somatic cough disorder (psychogenic cough)
  • Cough trajectory

Progressive cough (getting worse) warrants further investigation for specific causes

A subsiding cough is usually nonspecific and will likely resolve spontaneously

A cough that is initially stable (neither progressive nor subsiding) may subsequently follow either of these trajectories
Associated symptoms or conditions
  • Cardiac disease
Primary cardiac disease causing cough, tracheomalacia or primary ciliary dyskinesia
  • Neurologic and developmental abnormalities
  • Feeding difficulties
Laryngeal or trachea disorders, aspiration
  • Failure to thrive
Any severe lung disease, cystic fibrosis, immunodeficiency, indolent infections (eg, tuberculosis)
  • Exposure to tuberculosis, pertussis, and/or sick animals and travel history
Tuberculosis and other mycobacterium, pertussis, parasites (eg, Toxocara), and/or zoonoses (eg, trematodes, Strongyloides, Q fever)
  • History of deep infections±immunodeficiency (primary or secondary to cancer treatment or medications)
Opportunistic infections (eg, fungal)
  • Autoimmune disease
Interstitial lung disease
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor use
Known adverse effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
  • Chronic fever
Indolent infection with or without immunodeficiency
Digital clubbing Bronchiectasis or interstitial lung disease
Chest wall abnormality Any lung disease, neuromuscular disease
Wheezing or crepitations Any lung disease; in particular, asthma, bronchiolitis obliterans, bronchiectasis (from any cause), bronchopulmonary dysplasia, heart failure, immunodeficiency and aspiration
Hypoxia Any lung disease
Routine investigations/tests
Abnormal chest radiography Any lung disease
Abnormal spirometry Obstructive or restrictive lung/chest wall diseases

* In young children, wet cough is substituted for productive cough.

¶ Classically recognized characteristics are a cough that sounds barking/brassy, honking, paroxysmal/whooping, or staccato or that produces casts. Refer to separate table on classically recognizable cough sounds for details.
Adapted from: Chang AB, Oppenheimer JJ, Weinberger MM, et al. Use of management pathways or algorithms in children with chronic cough: CHEST Guideline and Expert Panel Report. Chest 2017; 151:884.
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