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Classification of aplasia cutis congenita

Classification of aplasia cutis congenita
Category Body area affected Associated abnormalities Inheritance
Group 1:
Scalp ACC without multiple anomalies Scalp, usually vertex Cleft lip and palate; tracheoesophageal fistula; double cervix and uterus; patent ductus arteriosus; omphalocele; polycystic kidney; mental retardation; cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita Autosomal dominant or sporadic
Group 2:
Scalp ACC with associated limb abnormalities Midline scalp Limb reduction abnormalities; two to three syndactyly; clubfoot; nail absence or dystrophy; skin tags on toes; persistent cutis marmorata; encephalocele; woolly hair; hemangioma; heart disease; cryptorchidism; postaxial polydactyly (one family) Autosomal dominant
Group 3:
Scalp ACC with associated epidermal and organoid nevi Scalp, may be asymmetric Corneal opacities; scleral dermoids; eyelid colobomas; psychomotor retardation; seizures Sporadic
Group 4:
ACC overlying embryologic malformations Abdomen, lumbar skin, scalp; any site Meningomyeloceles; spinal dysraphia; cranial stenosis; congenital midline porencephaly; leptomeningeal angiomatosis; ectopia of ear; omphalocele; gastroschisis Depends on underlying condition
Group 5:
ACC with associated fetus papyraceus or placental infarcts Multiple, symmetric areas, often stellate or linear, on scalp, chest, flanks, axillae, and extremities Single umbilical artery; developmental delay; spastic paralysis; nail dystrophy; clubbed hands and feet; amniotic bands Sporadic
Group 6: ACC associated with EB:
Blistering, usually localized, without multiple congenital anomalies Extremities Blistering of skin and/or mucous membranes; absent or deformed nails; metatarsus varus; congenital absence of kidney (seen in cases of recessive, dystrophic EB; dominant, dystrophic EB; and EB simplex) Depends on EB type: may be autosomal dominant or recessive
Widespread skin fragility with congenital anomalies Large areas on extremities and torso Pyloric or duodenal atresia; abnormal ears and nose; ureteral stenosis; renal abnormalities; arthrogryposis; amniotic bands; nail dystrophy Autosomal recessive
Group 7:
ACC localized to extremities without blistering Pretibial areas; dorsal aspects of hands and feet; extensor areas of wrists None Autosomal dominant or recessive
Group 8:
ACC caused by specific teratogens Scalp (with methimazole); any area (with varicella and herpes simplex infections) Imperforate anus (methimazole); signs of intrauterine infection with varicella and herpes simplex infections Not inherited
Group 9:
ACC associated with malformation syndromes Scalp; any location Trisomy 13; 4p deletion syndrome; many ectodermal dysplasias; Johanson-Blizzard syndrome; focal dermal hypoplasia; amniotic band disruption complex; XY gonadal dysgenesis Varies, depending on specific syndrome
ACC: aplasia cutis congenita; EB: epidermolysis bullosa.
Reproduced from: Frieden IJ. Aplasia cutis congenital: A clinical review and proposal for classification. J Am Acad Dermatol 1986; 14:646. Table used with the permission of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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