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Society guideline links: Lead and other heavy metal poisoning

Society guideline links: Lead and other heavy metal poisoning

Introduction — This topic includes links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around the world. We will update these links periodically; newer versions of some guidelines may be available on each society's website. Some societies may require users to log in to access their guidelines.

The recommendations in the following guidelines may vary from those that appear in UpToDate topic reviews. Readers who are looking for UpToDate topic reviews should use the UpToDate search box to find the relevant content.

Links to related guidelines are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Occupational asthma".)


World Health Organization (WHO): Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 4th edition, incorporating the first and second addenda (2022)

WHO: Guideline for clinical management of exposure to lead (2021)

WHO: Childhood lead poisoning (2010)


Choosing Wisely Canada: Don't order blood mercury levels unless: dietary history suggests risk; the patient is pregnant or planning to become pregnant; and/or the patient is occupationally exposed to organomercury compounds (updated 2021)

Health Canada: Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality – Guideline technical document: Cadmium (2020)

Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS): Practice point on lead toxicity with a new focus – Addressing low-level lead exposure in Canadian children (2019)

Health Canada: Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality – Guideline technical document: Lead (2019)

Health Canada: Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality – Guideline technical document: Chromium (2016)

Health Canada: Final human health state of the science report on lead (2013)

Health Canada: Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality − Guideline technical document: Arsenic (2006)

United States

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Recommended actions based on blood lead level (updated 2024)

CDC: Refugee health domestic guidance – Lead (updated 2024)

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Policy statement on the prevention of childhood lead toxicity (2016, reaffirmed 2021)

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSU) and AAP: Arsenic in food – A resource for health professionals (2021)

PEHSU and AAP: Recommendations on management of childhood lead exposure – A resource for health professionals (2021)

US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF): Final recommendation statement – Elevated blood lead levels in children and pregnant women: Screening (2019)

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM): Arsenic exposure, assessment, toxicity, diagnosis, and management – Guidance for occupational and environmental physicians (2018)

ACOEM: Position statement on workplace lead exposure (2016)

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATDSR): Medical management guidelines for mercury (updated 2015)

ATSDR: Medical management guidelines for arsenic (As) and inorganic arsenic compounds (updated 2014)

ATDSR: Medical management guidelines for lead (updated 2014)

American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT): Position statement on post-chelator challenge urinary metal testing (2009)

American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC): Elemental mercury exposure − An evidence-based consensus guideline for out-of-hospital management (2008)


European Food Safety Authority (EFSA): Scientific report on chronic dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic (2021)

European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN): Consensus statement on arsenic in rice − A cause for concern (2015)

United Kingdom

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA): Guidance on chromium − Health effects, incident management and toxicology (2012, updated 2022)

UKHSA: Guidance on mercury − Health effects, incident management and toxicology (2012, updated 2022)

Public Health England (PHE): Guidance on arsenic − Health effects, incident management and toxicology (2014, updated 2019)

PHE: Guidance on cadmium − Health effects, incident management and toxicology (2014, updated 2019)

PHE: Guidance on lead − Health effects, incident management and toxicology (2014, updated 2019)

Choosing Wisely UK: Royal College of Emergency Medicine − Review the routine use of urine toxicology tests in patients who are poisoned (2018)

Australia–New Zealand

Northern Territory Department of Health: Elevated blood lead levels – Clinical guidelines and public health management (2017)

The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC): Australian clinical guidelines for acute exposures to chemical agents of health concern − A guide for the emergency department staff, 2nd edition (2015)

Northern Territory Department of Health: Arsenic poisoning − Guidelines for health care providers in the Northern Territory (2011)


[In English] Food Safety Commission Japan (FSCJ): Risk assessment report on lead (chemicals and contaminants) (2022)

[In Japanese] FSCJ: Risk assessment report on lead (chemicals and contaminants) (2021)

[In English] FSCJ: Risk assessment report on arsenic in foods (chemicals and contaminants) (2013)

[In Japanese] FSCJ: Risk assessment report on arsenic in foods (chemicals and contaminants) (2013)

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