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Medical event rates for endurance road races

Medical event rates for endurance road races
Category Ultra-marathon
(>42 km)[1,2]
(42 km)[3]
Half marathon
(21 km)[1,2]
10 mile[4] 10 km*[5]
Total participants 26,354 ST 81,277 EN
76,714 FI
39,511 ST 91,750 ST 96,265 FI
Total medical encounters 342 1459 203 346 562
All encounter rate 13/1000 ST 19/1000 EN
25/1000 FI
5/1000 ST 4/1000 ST 6.2/1000 FI
Total medical rate   11.8/1000 EN
12.6/1000 FI
  1/1000 ST 4.7/1000 FI
Serious medical rate 0.7/1000 ST 0.01/1000 EN
0.01/1000 FI
0.5/1000 ST 0.2/1000 AT 1.1/1000 FI
Moderate and minor medical rate   11.7/1000 EN
12.4/1000 FI
  0.9/1000 ST 3.5/1000 FI
Musculoskeletal injury rate 1.8/1000 ST 3.2/1000 EN
3.4/1000 FI
0.96/1000 ST 1.7/1000 ST 1.3/1000 FI
Skin injury (eg, blister) rate 1.5/1000 ST 3.9/1000 EN
4.2/1000 FI
1.29/1000 ST 1/1000 ST 0.2/1000 FI
This table summarizes the rates for medical conditions managed at the finish line medical station for road races of various distances. At the marathon distance, 66% of encounters are for medical issues, 18% for musculoskeletal injuries (MSK), and 22% skin-related problems (eg, blisters). At the 10-mile distance, medical conditions comprise 27% of encounters, MSK 44%, and skin issues 27%. The denominators (entrants [EN], starters [ST], and finishers [FI]) vary by publication, in part due to the year of the study and the use of micro-chip technology for obtaining race data.
* The mean wet bulb globe temperature for these races was 19°C, so warm conditions may have increased the medical encounter rates, especially for exertional heat stroke.
  1. Schwabe K, Schwellnus M, Derman W, et al. Medical complications and deaths in 21 and 56 km road race runners: a 4-year prospective study in 65 865 runners--SAFER study I. Br J Sports Med 2014; 48:912.
  2. Schwabe K, Schwellnus MP, Derman W, et al. Less experience and running pace are potential risk factors for medical complications during a 56 km road running race: a prospective study in 26 354 race starters--SAFER study II. Br J Sports Med 2014; 48:905.
  3. Roberts WO. A 12-yr profile of medical injury and illness for the Twin Cities Marathon. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2000; 32:1549.
  4. Pasquina PF, Griffin SC, Anderson-Barnes VC, et al. Analysis of injuries from the Army Ten Miler: A 6-year retrospective review. Mil Med 2013; 178:55.
  5. Breslow RG, Shrestha S, Feroe AG, et al. Medical tent utilization at 10-km road races: Injury, illness, and influencing factors. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2019; 51:2451.
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