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PACU admission report

PACU admission report
Preoperative history/procedures
  • Medication allergies or reactions
  • Pertinent earlier surgical procedures
  • Underlying medical illness
  • Chronic medications
  • Acute problems (eg, ischemia, acid-base status, dehydration)
  • Premedications (eg, antibiotics and time given, beta-adrenergic blockers, antiemetics)
  • Preoperative pain control (eg, nerve blocks, adjunct medications, narcotics)
  • Preoperative pain assessment (chronic and acute pain scores)
  • NPO status
Intraoperative factors
  • Surgical procedure
  • Type of anesthetic
  • Type and difficulty of airway management
  • Relaxant/reversal status
  • Time and amount of opioids administered
  • Type and amount of intravenous fluids administered
  • Estimated blood loss
  • Urine output
  • Unexpected surgical or anesthetic events
  • Intraoperative vital sign ranges
  • Intraoperative laboratory findings
  • Drugs given (eg, steroids, diuretics, antibiotics, vasoactive medications, antiemetics)
Assessment and report of current status
  • Airway patency
  • Ventilatory adequacy
  • Level of consciousness
  • Level of pain
  • Heart rate and heart rhythm
  • Endotracheal tube position
  • Systemic pressure
  • Intravascular volume status
  • Function of invasive monitors
  • Size and location of intravenous catheters
  • Anesthetic equipment (eg, epidural catheters, peripheral nerve catheters)
  • Overall impression
Postoperative instructions
  • Expected airway and ventilatory status
  • Acceptable vital sign ranges
  • Acceptable urine output and blood loss
  • Surgical instructions (eg, positioning, wound care)
  • Anticipated cardiovascular problems
  • Orders for therapeutic interventions
  • Diagnostic tests to be secured
  • Therapeutic goals and end points before discharge
  • Location of responsible physician
NPO: nothing by mouth; PACU: post-anesthesia care unit.
Reproduced with permission from: Fowler MA, Howell KA. Postanesthesia recovery. In: Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting's Clinical Anesthesia, 9th ed, Cullen BF, Stock MC, Ortega R, et al (Eds), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2023. Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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