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General measures for treatment of elevated ICP in children

General measures for treatment of elevated ICP in children
  • Early consultation with a neurosurgeon to guide medical management and address surgical causes of elevated ICP*
  • Secure the airway using RSI (use cervical spine immobilization in trauma patients) for the following:
    • Signs of herniation
    • Refractory hypoxia
    • Hypoventilation
    • GCS ≤8 or <12 and rapidly declining
    • Loss of airway protective reflexes
  • Rapid treatment of hypoxia, hypercarbia, and hypotension
  • Elevation of the head 15 to 30 degrees while maintaining the head in a midline position
  • Aggressively treating fever with antipyretics and cooling blankets
  • Control of shivering in intubated patients with muscle relaxants (eg, vecuronium, rocuronium)
  • Administering prophylactic antiseizure medications (eg, levetiracetam, phenytoin, or phenobarbital) to patients who are at high risk of developing seizures
  • Maintaining adequate analgesia to blunt the response to noxious stimuli
  • In intubated patients:
    • Maintaining the head in a midline position and taping, rather than tying endotracheal tubes to the face
    • Avoiding high positive pressures and end expiratory pressures
    • Maintaining adequate sedation and, in some patients, muscle relaxation to permit controlled ventilation
    • Administration of lidocaine (1 mg/kg intravenously) before endotracheal tube suctioning to blunt the gag and cough responses
ICP: intracranial pressure; RSI: rapid sequence intubation; GCS: Glasgow coma scale.
* Refer to UpToDate topics on the management of elevated ICP in children.
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