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Similarities and differences among TTTS, TAPS, and sFGR on ultrasound examination of both twins

Similarities and differences among TTTS, TAPS, and sFGR on ultrasound examination of both twins
Ultrasound finding TTTS TAPS sFGR
Fluid discordance


Oligohydramnios in one sac and polyhydramnios in the other sac


Oligohydramnios in the sac of the intrauterine growth restricted twin, normal amniotic fluid volume in the AGA twin
Growth discordance
(>25% difference between twins)


50% will have estimated fetal weight <10th percentile


100% will have estimated fetal weight <10th percentile
MCA Doppler discordance
(>1.5 MoM in donor/anemic and <0.8 MoM in recipient/plethoric)
++ +++++ +
Fetal bladder discordance Small donor bladder and/or enlarged recipient bladder
Ductus venosus abnormalities +++++ ++ ++
Fetal hydrops +++++ +
Placental appearance: Donor side hyperechoic and thickened, recipient side normal   ++ +++++
"+" signifies the prominence of the ultrasound finding. "–" signifies that the ultrasound finding is not associated with the diagnosis.
TTTS: twin-twin transfusion syndrome; TAPS: twin anemia polycythemia sequence; sFGR: selective fetal growth restriction; AGA: appropriate for gestational age; MCA: middle cerebral artery; MoM: multiples of the median.
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