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Common pregnancy-related impairments and possible workplace accommodations

Common pregnancy-related impairments and possible workplace accommodations
Condition Limitation Reasonable accommodations*
Back pain Prolonged or repetitive lifting, bending, or sitting Use of a heating pad, sitting instead of standing, lifting assistance or limitations, assistive equipment to lift, or modification of the duties of the job, such as temporary light duty
Venous thrombosis Prolonged sedentary activity Modification of work station, breaks for exercise, private area in which to administer injections
Carpal tunnel syndrome Repetitive tasks using hands Occasional breaks from manual tasks or typing, specialized programs that allow for dictation instead of typing, modification of work station to provide wrist support while typing
Chronic migraines Exposure to bright lights or loud environments Change lighting in the work area, limit exposure to noise and fragrances, change schedule such as flexible schedule or telework
Dependent edema Prolonged standing Stool or chair to sit on while working, more frequent rest breaks, modification of footwear requirements
Dyspnea Ability to perform strenuous activities Stool or chair to sit on while working, more frequent rest breaks
Fatigue Ability to perform strenuous activities or to work long hours Light duty to avoid strenuous activity, flexible or reduced hours, exemption from mandatory overtime, intermittent leave
Gestational diabetes Ability to work prolonged periods without breaks and snacks Permission to take more frequent bathroom breaks, permission to eat small snacks, a private area for testing blood glucose, time off for medical appointments
Hyperemesis gravidarum, nausea/vomiting Ability to work prolonged periods without bathroom breaks and snacks Permission to take more frequent bathroom breaks, permission to eat small snacks during work hours, modified schedules including working from home
Hypertension Strenuous or prolonged physical activity Stool or chair for employee to sit on while working, limit lifting and bending requirements, work from home while on bed rest
Urinary tract infections Ability to work prolonged periods without drinking or using the restroom Water bottle at work station, more frequent bathroom breaks
* The appropriate accommodation in each case will vary depending upon the woman's condition and her job. Refer to: Job Accommodation Network,
From: Jackson RA, Gardner S, Torres LN, et al. My obstetrician got me fired: How work notes can harm pregnant patients and what to do about it. Obstet Gynecol 2015; 126:250. DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000971. Copyright © 2015 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Reproduced with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health. Unauthorized reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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