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Simplified acute physiologic score 3 (SAPS III)

Simplified acute physiologic score 3 (SAPS III)
Variable Range Points
Patient age <40 years 0
40-59 years 5
60-69 years 9
70-74 years 13
75-79 years 15
≥80 years 18
Temperature <35°C, <102.2°F 7
≥35°C, ≥102.2°F 0
Systolic blood pressure ≥120 mmHg 0
70-119 mmHg 3
40-69 mmHg 8
<40 mmHg 11
Heart rate ≥160 bpm 7
120-159 bpm 5
<120 bpm 0
Glasgow coma scale ≥13 1
12-7 2
6 7.5
5 10
3-4 15
White blood cell count (g/L) <15 0
≥15 2
Platelet count (g/L) <20 13
20-49 8
50-99 5
>100 0
Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) ≤7.25 3
>7.25 0
Creatinine <106.1 micromol/L, <1.2 mg/dL 0
106.1-176.7 mmol/L, 1.2-1.9 mg/dL 2
176.8-309.3 micromol/L, 2-3.4 mg/dL 7
309.4 micromol/L, >3.5 mg/dL 8
Bilirubin level <2 mg/dL, <34.2 micromol/L 0
2-5 mg/dL, 34.2-102.6 micromol/L 4
≥6 mg/dL, ≥102.6 micromol/L 5
PaO2/FiO2 (on mechanical ventilation) <100 mmHg 11
≥100 mmHg 7
PaO2 (no mechanical ventilation) <60 mmHg 5
≥60 mmHg 0
Length of stay before ICU admission <14 days 0
14-27 days 6
>28 days 7
Co-morbidities Cancer therapy 3
Chronic heart failure, hematologic malignancy 6
Cirrhosis, AIDS 8
Cancer 11
Intrahospital location before ICU admission Emergency room 5
Other ICU 7
Other 8
Use of other major therapeutic options before ICU admission Vasoreactive drugs 3
ICU admission Planned 0
Unplanned 3
Reason for admission* Cardiovascular: Rhythm disturbances –5
Neurologic: Seizures –4

Cardiovascular: Hypovolemic hemorrhagic shock, hypovolemic non hemorrhagic shock

Digestive: Acute abdomen, other
Neurologic: Coma, stupor, obtunded patient, vigilance disturbances, confusion, agitation, delirium 4

Cardiovascular: Septic shock

Cardiovascular: Anaphylactic shock, mixed and undefined shock
Hepatic: Liver failure 6
Neurologic: Focal neurologic deficit 7
Digestive: Severe pancreatitis 9
Neurologic: Intracranial mass effect 10
All others 0
Surgical status Scheduled 0
No surgery 5
Emergency 6
Anatomical site of surgery Transplantation surgery: Liver, kidney, pancreas, kidney and pancreas, transplantation other –11

Trauma: Other, isolated (includes thorax, abdomen, limb)

Trauma: Multiple
Cardiac surgery: CABG without valvular repair –6
Neurosurgery: Cerebrovascular accident 5
All others 0
Acute infection Nosocomial 4
Respiratory 5

bpm: beats per minute; PaO2: partial pressure of arterial oxygen; FiO2: fraction of inspired oxygen.

* Every patient gets 16 points for an admission with the indicated points added or subtracted for each diagnosis.
Modified by permission from: Springer: Intensive Care Medicine. Moreno RP, Metnitz PG, Almeida E, et al. SAPS 3--From evaluation of the patient to evaluation of the intensive care unit. Part 2: Development of a prognostic model for hospital mortality at ICU admission. Intensive Care Med 2005; 31:1345. Copyright © 2005 Springer Verlag.
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