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Cardiovascular screening and monitoring for girls and women with Turner syndrome

Cardiovascular screening and monitoring for girls and women with Turner syndrome
Screening: All patients at time of diagnosis
Evaluation by cardiologist with expertise in congenital heart disease
Comprehensive examination including blood pressure in both upper and lower extremities
All require clear imaging of heart, aortic valve, aortic arch, and pulmonary veins:
  • Echocardiography is usually adequate for infants and young girls
  • CMR imaging and echocardiography for older girls and adults
Monitoring: Follow-up depends on clinical situation
For patients with apparently normal cardiovascular system and age-appropriate blood pressure:
  • Reevaluation with imaging at timely occasions (eg, at transition to adult clinic) before attempting pregnancy or with appearance of hypertension; girls who have only had echocardiography should undergo CMR when old enough to cooperate with the procedure
  • Otherwise, imaging with echocardiography or CMR approximately every 5 years in children and every 10 years in adults
For patients with cardiovascular pathology, treatment and monitoring determined by cardiologist
CMR: cardiovascular magnetic resonance; ECG: electrocardiogram.
Republished with permission of The Endocrine Society, from: Bondy CA, Turner Syndrome Study Group. Care of girls and women with Turner syndrome: a guideline of the Turner Syndrome Study Group. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007; 92:10; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
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