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Conditions affecting antidiuretic hormone release and action in children

Conditions affecting antidiuretic hormone release and action in children
Name of disorder Mechanism Cause(s)
Conditions with a decrease in urinary volume
Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH) Nonphysiologic or inappropriate ADH release
  • Postoperative state
  • CNS disease – Meningitis, brain tumors, head injury
  • Pulmonary disease – Pneumonia, bronchiolitis, asthma
  • Immobilization
  • Drugs
    • Antidepressants (eg, SSRIs)
    • Antipsychotics (eg, haloperidol)
    • Seizure medications (eg, carbamazepine)
    • Chemotherapeutic agents (eg, vincristine, cisplatin, vinblastine)
    • Opiates
  • Response to pain, stress, or anxiety
"Hereditary" SIADH Enhanced renal ADH receptor response
  • Gain-of-function variants in the renal vasopressin 2 receptor gene
Conditions with an increase in urinary volume
Arginine vasopressin deficiency (previously called central diabetes insipidus) Impaired ADH release
  • CNS tumors (eg, craniopharyngioma)
  • Congenital brain abnormalities (eg, septo-optic dysplasia)
  • Brain trauma or injury (eg, complication of brain surgery)
  • Genetic diseases
  • Anorexia nervosa
Arginine vasopressin resistance (previously called nephrogenic diabetes insipidus) Impaired renal ADH receptor response
  • Congenital disorders (eg, loss-of-function variant in renal vasopressin 2 receptor gene, renal tubulopathy [Bartter syndrome])
  • Drugs (eg, lithium toxicity, foscarnet, ifosfamide)
  • Kidney disorders (eg, bilateral urinary tract obstruction, sickle cell nephropathy)
ADH: antidiuretic hormone (also known as arginine vasopressin); CNS: central nervous system; SIADH: syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion; SSRI: selective serotonin release inhibitors.
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